Please use “self enrollment”.
Discussions will take place on the Moodle forums.
Slides and labs will also be linked on Moodle.
Important: The first lecture will take place Wednesday, October 5th, 2016. The first lab will take place Wednesday, October 12th, 2016
The mid-term quiz will take place Wednesday, November 9th, 2016, at 18:00 in PRECIS 706. For the quiz, you should study from Lectures 1 to 5.
The assignment has to be uploaded until January 15th, 2017 and presented to the OSP team on January 16th, 2017, at 19:00, in PRECIS 703.
The final exam will take place on February 7th, 2017 in PRECIS 706 and 703, from 19:00. For the exam, you should study from Lectures 6 to 10 (slides and notes).
The exams for the May-June 2017 special exam session (only for 2nd year master students) will take place on:
Monday, 29th of May 2017, 2pm, room PR706
Tuesday, 6th of June 2017, 2pm, room PR706
The exams for the September 2017 exam session will take place on:
Friday, 1st of September 2017, 11am, room PR706
Friday, 8th of September 2017, 11am, room PR706