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Managementul Proiectelor si Serviciilor Software

The website is moved to Internet of Things




Activity Day/Time Room Person
Lecture Tuesday 4pm-6pm PR103 Alexandru Radovici, Alexandru Vaduva
Lab Tuesday 6pm-8pm PR606 Alexandru Radovici, Ioana Culic


  • 1st of October 2016: Welcome to the exciting and wonderful world of embedded Linux. Together we will delve into the Yocto Project ways of learning embedded. Hoping you are all excited to find out new ideas and various management principles used in the open source world. Enjoy the ride!
  • 4st of October 2016: Hoping to meet you all in class today! Good luck!
  • 11th of October 2016: The first MPSIT lecture slides are available. Click Lecture 01 link and enjoy!
  • 18th of October 2016: The next MPSIT lecture slides are available. Click Lecture 02 link and enjoy! Also please remember guys next lecture prepare for the test. It will take place in the first minutes of the lecture and it will cover lectures 1&2.
  • 25th of October 2016: The next MPSIT lecture slides are available. Click Lecture 03 link and enjoy! The test results will be published shortly.
  • 26th of October 2016: The first test results are now available. All results are published in the activity spreadsheet attached here: MPSIT-2016. Take a look and please add your comments inline if mistakes are found. I will try to correct them as soon as possible.
  • 1st of November 2016: The next MPSIT lecture slides are available. Click Lecture 04 link and enjoy! This lecture one of your colleagues will keep a presentation, hope you will enjoy it. In the end a project will be assigned for each student and one good news will be announced.
  • 8th of November 2016: The next MPSIT lecture slides are available. Click Lecture 05 link and enjoy!
  • 8th of November 2016: Good news available, we have a mailing list for discussion and a shared folder for the documentation: click Mailing list link for registering, or Shared Folder link for project documentation and project related information!
  • 15th of November 2016: The next MPSIT lecture slides are available. Click Lecture 06 link and enjoy! Also please remember guys next lecture prepare for the test. It will take place in the first minutes of the lecture and it will cover lectures 3,4,5&6.
  • 22nd of November 2016: The next MPSIT lecture slides are available. Click Lecture 07 link and enjoy! The test results will be published soon.
  • 23nd of November 2016: The second test results are now available. All results are published in the activity spreadsheet attached here: MPSIT-2016. Take a look and please add your comments inline if mistakes are found. I will try to correct them as soon as possible.
  • 27nd of November 2016: Next week is reserved for project related questions and presentations from those of you that are interested in extra bonus points. With that in mind, the next lecture on security will be held on 6th of December.
  • 6th of December 2016: The next MPSIT lecture slides are available. Click Lecture 08 link and enjoy!
  • 13th of December 2016: The latest MPSIT lecture slides are available. Click Lecture 09 link and enjoy!
  • 18th of December 2016: The next is reserved for project related questions and presentations from those of you that are interested in extra bonus points. With that in mind, the next lecture on Linux standards will be held on 10th of January. In the first 10 minutes of the lecture the last test will take place.
  • 10th of January 2017: The latest MPSIT lecture slides are available. Click Lecture 10 link and enjoy!
  • 12th of January 2017: An Excel spreadsheet was created by one of your colleagues for helping with the project presentation in the next lecture. Please take the time and add corresponding information here: Project Presentation List! Make sure that all team members are found in their corresponding time slot. Thank you guys and girls and also thanks Andreea for the help!
  • 16th of January 2017: Tomorrow the first 10 minutes will be reserved for the test for those colleagues that were not able to be present last week due. After that the project presentations will start as defined in the above defined spreadsheet.
  • 17th of January 2017: The latest updates related to class activities are available here: MPSIT-2016. Take a look and please add your comments inline if mistakes are found. I will try to correct them as soon as possible.
  • 18th of January 2017: Please remember that in 05-February from 11:00 we will take the final MPSIT exam. More info will come on this matter when available. Meanwhile keep an eye onto I will add you all to MPSIT class and will kindly ask you to give feedback related to this semester activities.
  • 24th of January 2017: Lectures and catalog information is also available here:
  • 07th of February 2017: The latest updates related to final exam: MPSIT-2016. Take a look and please add your comments inline if mistakes are found. I will try to correct them as soon as possible.
  • 07th of February 2017: For those of you who were not able to get a passing grade more details related to the available options will be published as soon as possible.
  • 23th of May 2017: For those of you who were not able to get a passing grade, the dates for the exams are available: 29 May 2017 and 6 June 2017. Here is also a link with the problem you can send by the exam day and also the exam example questions: Exam information. More information related to the time and the classroom for the examination will be provided by the university, by then good luck to you all, hope you will have a nice summer vacation!
  • 23th of May 2017: Those of you that consider doing and presenting the project is their best option, have that possibility. Please make sure you have the project documentation with you and also that your project is marked into the spreadsheet as “Yes”: MPSIT-2016. For those that are not present in the spreadsheet or do not have “Yes” under “Project” field you can chose the project described in Exam information on slide 2. For any questions please email me.
  • 28th of May 2017: The exam details are the following: 29th of May from 14:00 in EC105 classroom and also on 06th of June from 14:00 in PR001 classroom.
  • 28th of August 2017: The exam details for autumn are the following: 1st of September from 08:00 in EC102 classroom and also on 08th of September from 17:00 in EC102 classroom.
mpsit.1506364530.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/09/25 21:35 by alexandru.radovici
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