04. [10p] Administrating a database

  1. go to the Adminer interface on http://localhost:8080 (or see lab 4 if you are working on Play with Docker)
  2. log into the database using the following details:
    1. System: PostgreSQL
    2. Server: lab5-db
    3. Username: admin
    4. Password: admin
    5. Database: books
  3. check that you can observe a table called books and click on it
  4. click the Select data button to see the books already in the database (you should see the book you previously added)
  5. click the New item button and add a new book (you should only fill in the title and author text boxes and then press Save)
  6. using Postman, send a GET request and check that the backend also returns the book you added in Adminer
ii/labs/s2/05/tasks/04.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/04/29 19:32 by radu.ciobanu
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