02. [40p] Deploying and testing a service stack in a multi-node Docker Swarm cluster

For this exercise, we will deploy a four-service stack, which is defined in the docker-compose-swarm.yml file from the lab archive.

  1. on node1, download the lab archive using the following command: wget https://ocw.cs.pub.ro/courses/_media/ii/labs/s2/05/tasks/lab5.zip
  2. on node1, unzip the lab archive with the following command: unzip lab5.zip
  3. on node1, deploy the service stack with the following command: docker stack deploy -c docker-compose-swarm.yml lab5
  4. check that all services have started with the docker stack ps lab5 command (you should see all services in the “Running” state; if not, run the command until all services have started)
  5. check how your services have been scheduled by accessing the visualizer service; this is done by clicking on the blue 8081 button on the Play with Docker page; are all the services there?
What to upload
  • a text file with the commands given on each node
  • a print screen with the output of the docker stack ps lab5 command
  • a print screen with the visualizer page
ii/labs/s2/05/tasks/02.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/31 16:05 by radu.ciobanu
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