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ii:labs:s2:04 [2024/04/11 13:08]
ii:labs:s2:04 [2024/04/11 13:11] (current)
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 Because Docker did not initially have native support for Windows and MacOS, [[https://​docs.docker.com/​toolbox/​overview/​|Docker Toolbox]] was introduced, which can launch a virtualised Docker environment (more specifically,​ it uses a VirtualBox machine as the basis of the Docker environment). Recently, Docker Toolbox was marked as "​legacy"​ and was replaced by [[https://​docs.docker.com/​docker-for-mac/​|Docker Desktop for Mac]] and [[https://​docs.docker.com/​docker-for-windows/​|Docker Desktop for Windows]], which offer similar features with better performance. Furthermore,​ Windows Server 2016 and Windows 10 now support native Docker for the **//​x86_64//​** architecture. Because Docker did not initially have native support for Windows and MacOS, [[https://​docs.docker.com/​toolbox/​overview/​|Docker Toolbox]] was introduced, which can launch a virtualised Docker environment (more specifically,​ it uses a VirtualBox machine as the basis of the Docker environment). Recently, Docker Toolbox was marked as "​legacy"​ and was replaced by [[https://​docs.docker.com/​docker-for-mac/​|Docker Desktop for Mac]] and [[https://​docs.docker.com/​docker-for-windows/​|Docker Desktop for Windows]], which offer similar features with better performance. Furthermore,​ Windows Server 2016 and Windows 10 now support native Docker for the **//​x86_64//​** architecture.
 +<note tip>
 +If you do not want to install Docker on your machine, you can use the [[https://​labs.play-with-docker.com|Play with Docker]] virtual environment.
 ===== Testing the installation ===== ===== Testing the installation =====
ii/labs/s2/04.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/04/11 13:11 by radu.ciobanu
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