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ii:labs:s2:02 [2023/04/01 18:29]
ii:labs:s2:02 [2024/03/17 17:06] (current)
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   * Basic Web frontend coding (HTML + CSS)   * Basic Web frontend coding (HTML + CSS)
   * Browser Development Tools (i.e., Web Inspector)   * Browser Development Tools (i.e., Web Inspector)
-  * Backend: ​Python + Flask +  * Backend: ​Basic Flask request & response concepts
-  * Forms and authentication (user sessions) +
-  * Advanced HTTP: file uploading+
 ===== Contents ===== ===== Contents =====
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 Check [[https://​flask.palletsprojects.com/​en/​2.2.x/​api/#​response-objects|Flask'​s Response object documentation]] for all available options. Check [[https://​flask.palletsprojects.com/​en/​2.2.x/​api/#​response-objects|Flask'​s Response object documentation]] for all available options.
-=== Template Engines === 
-A typical website has a common HTML design, with only portions of its code changing on a per-page basis with specific content. 
-In order to prevent needless code duplication,​ a **template engine** is usually employed to obtain HTML documents from common layouts. A template is, basically, a HTML page interleaved with specific code blocks used to insert dynamically generated content from variables; many engines feature full programming languages that support loops and conditionals. 
-Flask readily integrates with the [[https://​jinja.palletsprojects.com/​en/​3.1.x/​templates/​|Jinja templating engine]] which uses Python-like statements to enrich a HTML page with programmatic content: 
-<code html> 
-<!-- ... --> 
-    <​h1>​My Webpage is {{ awesome_variable }}</​h1>​ 
-    <ul id="​main-menu">​ 
-    {% for item in navigation %} 
-        <​li><​a href="​{{ item.href }}">​{{ item.caption }}</​a></​li>​ 
-    {% endfor %} 
-    </ul> 
-    {# a comment #} 
-The Jinja templates usually reside inside the project'​s ''​templates/''​ directory (check the [[https://​flask.palletsprojects.com/​en/​2.2.x/​api/#​application-object|Flask documentation]] if you want to change it) and can be rendered using the ''​[[https://​flask.palletsprojects.com/​en/​2.2.x/​api/#​template-rendering|render_template]]''​ utility function. 
 === Accessing HTTP request data === === Accessing HTTP request data ===
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 Thus, it becomes the server'​s responsibility to use browser-assisted persistence mechanisms such as cookies to associate a HTTP request with a specific user, also called a **Session**. For security reasons, the server must specifically validate any data received from the user, often through cryptographic means. Thus, it becomes the server'​s responsibility to use browser-assisted persistence mechanisms such as cookies to associate a HTTP request with a specific user, also called a **Session**. For security reasons, the server must specifically validate any data received from the user, often through cryptographic means.
 ===== Preparation ===== ===== Preparation =====
-In order to solve the tasks, you will need a modern browser (//duh//), a code editor supporting HTML, CSS and Python (e.g., [[https://​code.visualstudio.com/​|Visual Studio Code]] / [[lunarvim.org/​|LunarVim]]),​ a [[https://​www.python.org/​downloads/​|Python 3]] distribution (you must also have ''​pip''​ installed).+In order to solve the tasks, you will need a modern browser (//duh//), a code editor supporting HTML, CSS and Python (e.g., [[https://​code.visualstudio.com/​|Visual Studio Code]] / [[https://lunarvim.org/​|LunarVim]]),​ a [[https://​www.python.org/​downloads/​|Python 3]] distribution (you must also have ''​pip''​ installed).
 Next, we will need to install the ''​Flask''​ Python package using the PIP package manager: Next, we will need to install the ''​Flask''​ Python package using the PIP package manager:
Line 171: Line 145:
 # NOTE: choose the most appropriate command: # NOTE: choose the most appropriate command:
 # Option 1: install globally (requires root / admin) # Option 1: install globally (requires root / admin)
-python3 -mpip install flask+python3 -m pip install flask
 # Option 2: install for the current user only (inside ~/​.local/​lib/​python/​ on Linux) # Option 2: install for the current user only (inside ~/​.local/​lib/​python/​ on Linux)
-python3 -mpip install --user flask+python3 -m pip install --user flask
 # (this has the advantage of not polluting the Python'​s system packages) # (this has the advantage of not polluting the Python'​s system packages)
ii/labs/s2/02.1680362964.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/04/01 18:29 by florin.stancu
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