01. [25p] String manipulation

First, let's familiarize ourselves with Python's string type:

  • Read a string input from the user's console (hint: input()); next sub-tasks will use this value and apply various string transformations on it;
  • Print the reversed string (e.g., “hello world” ⇒ “dlrow olleh”); hint: there are at least 3 built-in ways to do this in a single line of code ;)
  • Print the same string in “aLtErNaTe CaSe” (if you're out of ideas, simply use the for loop);
  • Finally: encrypt the given message using Caesar's Cipher (aka, shift each of its alphabet letters to n positions to the: right for encryption, left for decryption); use the number 17' for testing!

Hints for the last subtask:

  • Remember the ASCII Table?
  • You can use the ord() built-in function to get the ASCII code of a character (as int);
  • For the reverse process (int to str character) you have chr();
  • Don't forget to wrap around when you reach the last letter of the alphabet: Z + 1 ⇒ A!

ii/labs/s2/01/tasks/01.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/15 13:30 by florin.stancu
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