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ii:labs:03 [2021/11/21 20:07]
ii:labs:03 [2022/01/17 17:19] (current)
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 ===== Objectives ===== ===== Objectives =====
-  * using virtual environments and **pip** +  * Using virtual environments and **pip** 
-  * debugging ​scripts +  * Debugging ​scripts 
-  * understanding ​public APIs+  * Understanding ​public APIs
 ===== Contents ===== ===== Contents =====
 ===== Proof of Work ===== ===== Proof of Work =====
-TODO+Today we're picking up where we left off last time. By now you should already know the basics of working with //Python//. Developing a project in //Python// however, requires more than interacting with a shell or editing some scripts. In this lab, you will (hopefully) learn to manage isolated virtual environments and debug errors in your scripts. But probably most important, you will learn to consult API documentations. 
 +As a more tangible goal, you will have to write your very own [[https://​discord.com/​|discord]] music bot! Exciting stuff, right? As always, in addition to the script itself, remember to put together a //.pdf// explaining your approach to solving the problem. Once finished, upload both to the appropriate [[https://​curs.upb.ro/​2021/​course/​view.php?​id=5793|moodle]] assignment. 
 ===== Tasks ===== ===== Tasks =====
 {{namespace>:​ii:​labs:​03:​tasks&​nofooter&​noeditbutton}} {{namespace>:​ii:​labs:​03:​tasks&​nofooter&​noeditbutton}}
ii/labs/03.1637518029.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/11/21 20:07 by radu.mantu
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