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ii:labs:02 [2021/11/06 17:11]
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ii:labs:02 [2022/01/17 17:19] (current)
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 ====== Lab 02 - Python basics ====== ====== Lab 02 - Python basics ======
-<note important>​ 
-**Work in progress...** 
 ===== Objectives ===== ===== Objectives =====
 +  * Familiarization with //Python 3.x//
 +  * Understanding core differences between //Python// and //C/C++// or //Bash//
 +  * Writing a neat little script to help solve substitution ciphers
 ===== Contents ===== ===== Contents =====
 ===== Proof of Work ===== ===== Proof of Work =====
 +Learning //Python// is not a 2-hour endeavor. Today'​s lab is barely scratching the surface but we have to start somewhere, right? Leaving today'​s tasks aside, we suggest you take on a few [[https://​www.hackerrank.com/​domains/​python?​filters%5Bsubdomains%5D%5B%5D=py-introduction|coding challenges]] before lab 03, all while keeping ​ [[https://​docs.python.org/​3.9/​index.html|the documentation]] and also, **//​[[https://​www.google.com/​|the documentation]]//​** readily available at all times.
 +The first two exercises this week are tutorials. You don't have to upload any proof of reading them or testing the commands :p. We mostly stuck to the basics, but now and again you will see some long-winded explanations that we considered relevant. If you're already a //Python// expert, feel free to breeze through them. If not, play around in the **python** shell, with //Python// scripts, and ask questions.
 +Exercise 3 is __not__ a tutorial and will require you to apply some of the concepts learned in this laboratory to break a cipher. The solution can be as simple as a single line of code, but what matters is solving the puzzle, not how optimally you do it. Once again, document your attempt and upload a //.pdf// together with your script to the appropriate [[https://​curs.upb.ro/​2021/​course/​view.php?​id=5793|moodle]] assignment. The submission cut-off time is 11:55pm, on the same day as the lab. Also, please don't forget the feedback! :D
 ===== Tasks ===== ===== Tasks =====
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ii/labs/02.1636211486.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/11/06 17:11 by radu.mantu
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