02. [25p] Scripting, control structures and functions


In essence, Python is still a scripting language. Writing a Python script is very similar to writing a Bash script. After all, both use a specific interpreter. So let's take a look at how we might start:

import sys      # gives access to cli arguments
def main():
    print('Hello world!\nReceived %d arguments are: %s' % \
        (len(sys.argv), str(sys.argv)))
if __name__ == '__main__':

Quick reminder: you need to give the script executable permissions if you want to run it.

$ chmod +x my_first_script.py
$ ./my_first_script.py these are some arguments

First of all, you can download this file directly by clicking on the name at the top of the snippet. Next, let's take it step by step and understand what is going on:

  • On the first line, we have a shebang (i.e.: #!); this specifies the path to the interpreter that the operating system should use to run this script. You can try to identify the location of python3 in your system using $ whereis python3, but it should be the same.
  • The import sys is new, but you should at least intuit what it does. Functionally, it works pretty much like a C #include. Practically, there are differences:
    • an #include directive takes the code in the specified header file and just copy-pastes it before proceeding with the compilation.
    • a C header file does not (usually) contain the actual code. Only definitions that your program should use without having access to the implementation. Once the compilation is finished, more often than not the actual code that is executed by invoking the functions in the included header resides in a shared library (e.g.: /usr/lib/libcrypt.so). Some of these libraries are linked by default (e.g.: /usr/lib/libc.so). For others, you may need to specify a linker flag (e.g.: -lcrypt).
    • in Python, when you import a module, the interpreter basically executes all the code in the module. After that, it returns to the same import line but now, all functions have been defined and variables have been declared. The only difference from C is that you must access them through the module name (e.g.: sys.argv).
  • def main(): declares the start of a function (shocker). Note that this function did not have to be named “main”. There is no such convention in Python, but this name makes it familiar and immediately obvious what its purpose should be. Also, the script execution entry point is not this function!
  • looking at the print() function, there are a few things to discuss:
    • Python does not have curly brackets like C/C++. In stead, it uses indentation as a way to differentiate blocks of code. For example, if we want to specify the body of the main() function, all instructions in said body must be indented by exactly one tab. If one of these instructions is an if statement, its body must be indented by two tabs. Note that these tabs can either be the '\t' character, or four spaces. However, if you combine the two in the same source file, the interpreter will throw an error!
    • remember that when using the python shell earlier, we could just punch in a variable name or an expression and the result would be shown? This does not work inside a script. Simply writing sys.argv has the same effect as in C. The expression is evaluated. The interpreter determines that it is a variable. It returns the content of the variable but there's nothing more to the statement. The obtained content is lost and the interpreter moves on… This is why we must use the print() function.
  • Here, we meet our first real if statement: if __name__ == '__main__':. If we ignore function declarations, this is the first command that is actually executed. In fact, we could skip this if and just leave main() in stead. Nothing would be visibly different. The key word here is visibly. You see, the variable __name__ is a Python built-in that is set to the name of the current module. If our script is imported in another script (or a python shell), the __name__ variable would hold the name of the script (i.e.: my_first_script). However, if we run this script directly from bash, it's value would be set to ”__main__”. In other words, without this if, whenever we would import this script as a module just to have access to the main() function, the invocation of main would be executed implicitly.

This may have been a lot to unpack. Take a moment and if you have any questions, ask away. If not, let's move on!

Control Structures

Conditional statements

Up until this point we've already seen the if statement used a few times. It should hold no mysteries :p

At the moment, there is no equivalent to the switch case from C/C++. A similar feature called match will be introduced in Python 3.10. Functionally, the two will be the same. The main differences would be the lack of a default clause keyword, and that of a need to use break with every case statement. For now, we won't bother with this.

>>> # get the current time
>>> import time
>>> lt = time.localtime()
>>> lt
time.struct_time(tm_year=2021, tm_mon=11, tm_mday=7, tm_hour=18, tm_min=23, tm_sec=58, tm_wday=6, tm_yday=311, tm_isdst=0)
>>> # let's print different messages based on the time interval
>>> hour = lt.tm_hour
>>> hour
>>> # notice how we use elif
>>> if hour < 7:
...     print('night')
... elif hour < 12:
...     print('morning')
... elif hour == 12:
...     print('noon')
... elif hour < 17:
...     print('afternoon')
... else:
...     print('evening')
>>> # in Python we use "not", "or", "and" in stead of "!", "||", "&&"
>>> import random
>>> r = random.randint(0, 100)
>>> if (r % 2 == 0 and r < 50) or not (r % 2 == 1 and r > 50):
...     print("was there a point?")
was there a point?
>>> # again, remember to perform checks before accessing dictionary items
>>> d = { }
>>> if r not in d:
...     d[r] = 0
>>> d[r] += 1
>>> d[r]
>>> d[r + 1] += 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
While statement

Again, the while in Python is not that different than the while in C/C++.

>>> r = random.randint(0, 100)
>>> guess = -1
>>> # continue and break work just like in C/C++
>>> while guess != r:                                                                                     
...     guess = int(input('take a guess: '))
...     if guess % 12 == 0:
...         continue
...     elif guess % 3 == 0:
...         break                                 
>>> print('good job, I guess...')
For statement

This is probably different from what you may be used to from other programming languages. The for in Python does not iterate until a certain condition is satisfied. Nor does it let you specify the iteration step. As a result, it's not immediately replaceable with a while loop. In stead, for iterates over a sequence of items.

Remember using for to iterate over the items generated by the range() function? In that case, the iteration step should be established via range(), not the built-in constructs of the for statement.

Modifying elements of an iterable object (like a list or dictionary) with for may be prone to errors when the modified element is the iterator itself. Sometimes it's better to work with copies or create new objects entirely.

>>> # iteration step is given by range()
>>> for it in range(0, 10, 2):
...     print(it)
>>> # this is also a good method of iterating over available dictionary keys
>>> # NOTE: using the ip_addrs dictionary from earlier; not redeclaring it here...
>>> for key in ip_addrs:
...     print(key)

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This may be a bit random, but for and while loops can have else statements. The else block is executed if the for reaches the end of the iterable object or if the while statement's condition becomes False. If the loop is otherwise broken, the else block will not be executed.

>>> for key in ip_addrs:
...     if key == 'lwn.net':
...         print('good for you!')
...         break
... else:
...     print(':(')


Defining functions is done using the def keyword, followed by its name and a parenthesized list of parameters, with a : at the end, for good measure. The body of the function starts on the next line.

Each function has its own local context. You can still access global variables from functions for read-only operations. However, if you want to modify a global variable, you need to mark it as such with the keyword global:

>>> x = 10
>>> def increment_x(value):
...     global x
...     x += value
>>> increment_x(5)
>>> x

Functions, of course, can have arguments. Python uses a system named “Call by Object Reference”. If you pass immutable objects (e.g.: numbers, strings, tuples) as arguments and overwrite them in the invoked function, the originals in the calling function will remain untouched and you will be working with a copy. This is known as “Call by value”. If your argument is mutable (e.g.: lists, dictionaries), the changes that you make will be reflected in the caller's environment. This is known as “Call by reference”.

>>> def modify_string(s):
...     s = 'a new string'
...     print(s)
>>> def modify_list(l):
...     l.append(99)
...     print(l)
>>> original_s = 'original string'
>>> original_l = [1, 2, 3]
>>> # call by value
>>> modify_string(original_s)
a new string
>>> print(original_s)
original string
>>> # call by reference
>>> modify_list(original_l)
[1, 2, 3, 99]
>>> print(original_l)
[1, 2, 3, 99]

This can get confusing… I know. On the upside, Python is very flexible in how you define your arguments. For example, this is how you can assign default values:

# defining a function with default argument values
>>> def prompt_user(prompt, expected='student', retries=3):
...     while retries != 0:
...         user = input(prompt)
...         if user == expected:
...             return True
...         retries -= 1
...     return False
>>> # only specifying the required argument
>>> prompt_user('Who are you? ')
Who are you? user
Who are you? student
>>> # overwriting default argument values
>>> prompt_user('*What* are you? ', 'I aM sPeCiAl', 0)
>>> # using keyword arguments to overwrite only specific arguments
>>> prompt_user('Who are you? ', retries=0)

A word of caution. The default initialization of arguments happens only once! If we use immutable objects (like numbers or strings) we won't have any surprises. But when using mutable objects (like lists), the default value can change over subsequent calls:

>>> # I mean... you _could_ still want this...
>>> def append_to_default(l=[ 0 ]):
...     l.append(l[-1] + 1)
...     print(l)
>>> append_to_default()
[0, 1]
>>> append_to_default()
[0, 1, 2]
>>> append_to_default()
[0, 1, 2, 3]
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