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fob:sidebar [2022/10/06 18:03]
costin.carabas [Resources]
fob:sidebar [2023/01/31 10:01] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== Resources ====== ====== Resources ======
-  * [[:fob:Resources]] +  * [[:fob:resources]] 
-====== Lectures ======+  * [[:​fob:​class-register]] 
 +  * [[:​fob:​projects]] 
 +====== Lectures ======
 +  * [[:​fob:​cursuri:​01]]
 +  * [[:​fob:​cursuri:​02]]
 +  * [[:​fob:​cursuri:​03]]
 +  * [[:​fob:​cursuri:​04]]
 +  * [[:​fob:​cursuri:​05]]
 +  * [[:​fob:​cursuri:​06]]
 +  * [[:​fob:​cursuri:​07]]
 +  * [[:​fob:​cursuri:​08]]
 +  * [[:​fob:​cursuri:​09]]
 {{indexmenu>:​fob:​cursuri}} {{indexmenu>:​fob:​cursuri}}
 ====== Practical Sessions ====== ====== Practical Sessions ======
 +  * [[:​fob:​laboratoare:​01]]
 +  * [[:​fob:​laboratoare:​02]]
 +  * [[:​fob:​laboratoare:​03]]
 +  * [[:​fob:​laboratoare:​04]]
 +  * [[:​fob:​laboratoare:​05]]
 +  * [[:​fob:​laboratoare:​06]]
 +  * [[:​fob:​laboratoare:​07]]
 +  * [[:​fob:​laboratoare:​08]]
 +  * [[:​fob:​laboratoare:​09]]
 {{indexmenu>:​fob:​laboratoare#​1}} {{indexmenu>:​fob:​laboratoare#​1}}
 +===== Assignments =====
 +  * [[:​fob:​projects_2022]]
 +===== Exam 2022-2023 =====
 +  * [[:​fob:​exam_2022]]
fob/sidebar.1665068594.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/10/06 18:03 by costin.carabas
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