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fob:laboratoare:03 [2022/11/10 20:16]
fob:laboratoare:03 [2023/03/01 18:33] (current)
Line 6: Line 6:
 Starting from Smart Contract template you have to add more features to coordinate the event. Starting from Smart Contract template you have to add more features to coordinate the event.
 <note important>​ <note important>​
 Install docker using [[https://​docs.docker.com/​engine/​install/​ubuntu/​|this link]]. Install docker using [[https://​docs.docker.com/​engine/​install/​ubuntu/​|this link]].
Line 11: Line 12:
 You can find Elrond docker images at [[https://​hub.docker.com/​r/​elrondnetwork/​build-contract-rust/​tags|this link]]. You can find Elrond docker images at [[https://​hub.docker.com/​r/​elrondnetwork/​build-contract-rust/​tags|this link]].
 </​note>​ </​note>​
 Clone [[https://​github.com/​systems-cs-pub-ro/​Foundation-Of-Blockchains.git|Foundation of Blockchain repo]] and go to **lab03** folder. Clone [[https://​github.com/​systems-cs-pub-ro/​Foundation-Of-Blockchains.git|Foundation of Blockchain repo]] and go to **lab03** folder.
fob/laboratoare/03.1668104163.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/11/10 20:16 by costin.carabas
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