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fob:laboratoare:02 [2023/01/23 11:59]
costin.carabas [Prerequisites]
fob:laboratoare:02 [2023/01/23 12:01] (current)
costin.carabas [Prerequisites]
Line 35: Line 35:
 ''​sudo apt install libncurses5 build-essential python3-pip nodejs npm python3.8-venv''​ ''​sudo apt install libncurses5 build-essential python3-pip nodejs npm python3.8-venv''​
 +<note important>​Erdpy is now called mxpy, after rebranding to MultiversX</​note>​
 **Erdpy** - the Elrond command line tool, which is helpful for signing transactions,​ deploying smart contracts, managing wallets, accounts and validators: **Erdpy** - the Elrond command line tool, which is helpful for signing transactions,​ deploying smart contracts, managing wallets, accounts and validators:
Line 48: Line 49:
-More about **erdpy** installation athttps://​docs.elrond.com/​sdk-and-tools/​erdpy/​installing-erdpy/+More about **erdpy** / **mxpy** installation at [[https://​docs.multiversx.com/​sdk-and-tools/​sdk-py/​installing-mxpy | link]]
fob/laboratoare/02.txt · Last modified: 2023/01/23 12:01 by costin.carabas
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