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dss [2019/04/11 11:12]
dss [2022/06/17 13:34] (current)
razvan.nitu1305 [Schedule]
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-====== D Summer School ​======+====== ​Secure & Fast Programming Using D ====== 
 +===== Write fast. Read fast. Run fast. ===== 
 +"D is a multi-paradigm system programming language that combines a wide range 
 +of powerful programming concepts from the lowest to the highest levels. It 
 +emphasizes memory safety, program correctness,​ and pragmatism."​ - Ali Çehreli, Programming in D, 2018
 ===== Summary ===== ===== Summary =====
-The first edition of the D Summer School will take place between ​June 17th and July 4th 2019, at the Faculty of Automatic Control ​and ComputersUniversity POLITEHNICA of Bucharest. The aim of the program is to introduce students to the basics of the D programming language offering insights on key idioms and focusing on modern programming techniques.+The fourth ​edition of the D Summer School will take place between July 4th and July 25th 2022. Classes are held physicallybut we will livestream and record them for folks that are not in Bucharest ​but wish to participate. The aim of the program is to introduce students to the basics of the D programming languageoffering insights on key idioms and focusing on modern programming techniques.
-Activities will take place during three intensive training sessions per week that will enable students to deliver a project at the end of the summer school. The final day of the program will be marked by a hackathon where efforts will be concentrated on finishing the aforementioned project, prizes being awarded ​to the best implementations.+Activities will take place during three intensive training sessions per week that will enable students to contribute to the language and submit bug-fixing PRs to core D language repos. ​ In the final week of the summer school ​we'll strongly encourage students to begin working at a bug-fix for one of the bootcamp issues posted on the [[https://​issues.dlang.org/​buglist.cgi?​quicksearch=bootcamp|bug tracker]]. The final day of the program will be marked by a hackathon where efforts will be concentrated on delivering PRs to upstream. Prizes will be awarded.
 ===== Apply ===== ===== Apply =====
-In order to apply, ​you need to solve this assignment ​by May 19th 2019Afterwards we will evaluate your submissions and announce the selected participants+In order to apply, ​just fill [[https://​docs.google.com/​forms/​d/​1e34VkU15gvWWmZd2wD0id5oZN7_qtL82koFKE0sC2_0/​|this form]] and upload your CV. 
 +Register ​by 23:55, June 15th 2022.
 ===== Location & Schedule ===== ===== Location & Schedule =====
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 Activities take place three times a week, as shown in the schedule below. Activities take place three times a week, as shown in the schedule below.
-Each session is highly practical: a presentation of a set of basic concepts ​on slides ​followed by hands-on activities (tutorials and tasks).+Each session is highly practical: a presentation of a set of demos highlighting ​basic concepts followed by hands-on activities (tutorials and tasks). 
 +**UPDATE**: [[https://​teams.microsoft.com/​l/​channel/​19%3anHNsj6x7EJjI3TwJZ3CPGMa_4bkiU-F1EUqJi3iMx9g1%40thread.tacv2/​General?​groupId=910071a6-7c5c-4023-ac87-d3078047a940&​tenantId=2d8cc8ba-8dda-4334-9e5c-fac2092e9bac|Join the classroom.]]
 ==== Schedule ==== ==== Schedule ====
-   ​* ​June 172019, 5pm-8pm: Session 0x01. Introduction to D +   ​* ​July 42021, 5pm-8pm: Session 0x01. Introduction to D 
-   ​* ​June 192019, 5pm-8pm: Session 0x02. Introduction to Meta-Programming +   ​* ​July 52021, 5pm-8pm: Session 0x02. Introduction to Meta-Programming 
-   ​* ​June 202019, 5pm-8pm: Session 0x03. Memory Safety +   ​* ​July 72021, 5pm-8pm: Session 0x03. D attrtibutes 
-   ​* ​June 242019, 5pm-8pm: Session 0x04. Advanced D concepts +   ​* ​July 112021, 5pm-8pm: Session 0x04. User defined types 
-   ​* ​June 262019, 5pm-8pm: Session 0x05. Multithreading +   ​* ​July 122021, 5pm-8pm: Session 0x05. Ranges 
-   ​* ​June 272019, 5pm-8pm: Session 0x06. GC vs. Manual Memory Management +   ​* ​July 142021, 5pm-8pm: Session 0x06. Design by Introspection 
-   * July 120195am-8pm: Session 0x07. C\C++ Interoperability +   * July 1820215pm-8pm: Session 0x07. Memory Management 
-   * July 32019, 5pm-9pm: Session 0x08. Design by Introspection +   * July 192021, 5pm-8pm: Session 0x08. C\C++ Interoperability 
-   * July 42019, 10am-6pm: Hackathon + after party (pizza and beers on the house) ​+   * July 232021, 10am-6pm: Hackathon + after party (pizza and beers on the house) ​
 ===== Resources and Links ===== ===== Resources and Links =====
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 ===== Team ===== ===== Team =====
-   * [[edi33416@gmail.com|Eduard Staniloiu]],​ PhD student and D core contributor 
    * [[razvan.nitu1305@gmail.com|Razvan Nitu]], PhD student and D core contributor    * [[razvan.nitu1305@gmail.com|Razvan Nitu]], PhD student and D core contributor
-   * [[alex.jercaianu@gmail.com|Alexandru Jercaianu]], MSc student and D core contributor+   * [[edi33416@gmail.com|Eduard Staniloiu]], PhD student and D core contributor 
 +===== Participants ===== 
 +Waiting for applicants… 
 +===== Class room ===== 
 +[[https://​teams.microsoft.com/​l/​channel/​19%3anHNsj6x7EJjI3TwJZ3CPGMa_4bkiU-F1EUqJi3iMx9g1%40thread.tacv2/​General?​groupId=910071a6-7c5c-4023-ac87-d3078047a940&​tenantId=2d8cc8ba-8dda-4334-9e5c-fac2092e9bac|Join the online classroom.]]
dss.txt · Last modified: 2022/06/17 13:34 by razvan.nitu1305
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