Team: 2 members.
Project Selection:
Option 1: Choose from the list of pre-defined project ideas provided below.
Option 2: Propose your own project idea, which requires approval from the course team.
Project Workflow
Each team is required to:
Implement their chosen project idea, building a model or system that addresses a specific medical data science problem.
Evaluate their approach using appropriate metrics (accuracy, precision, recall, etc.), and compare results to existing state-of-the-art methods.
Document their progress and findings in both a formal report and presentation, in English.
Milestones and Deliverables
2. M2 (18.11.24) - Dataset Collection and Baseline Results (1p)
3. M3 (16.12.24) - Own Contribution (1p)
4. M4 (08.01.25) - Project Report (1p)
5. M5 - Project Presentation (percentage-based grading)
Grading System
Project Ideas
1. Bad Posture Detection
Objective: Detect posture abnormalities from videos or images and suggest exercises to correct them.
Potential Contribution: Develop a system using deep learning (e.g., CNNs or pose estimation algorithms like OpenPose) to detect poor posture.
2. Smoker Detection
Objective: Identify whether a person is a smoker based on lung capacity, voice analysis, or X-ray images.
Potential Contribution: Use CNNs for X-ray image analysis or apply audio signal processing methods to detect smoking patterns from voice recordings.
Dataset: Gather data from publicly available voice or medical image datasets.
Note: Each of the modalities (audio, video, image) chosen, or their combination may result in a different project, without much overlap.
3. Retinal Lesion Detection
Objective: Detect retinal lesions from medical images, aiding early diagnosis of conditions like diabetic retinopathy.
Potential Contribution: Develop a novel segmentation or classification approach using CNNs or U-Net models.
4. Fracture Detection in X-rays
Objective: Develop a model that identifies fractures in X-ray images, which could help radiologists in making faster diagnoses.
Potential Contribution: Train a CNN or use a pre-trained model (e.g., ResNet) to classify fracture types.
Proposed Datasets: MURA, RSNA etc.
5. Cancer Detection from Histopathology Images
Objective: Predict the severity of COVID-19 cases using patient data such as demographics, clinical tests, and symptoms.
Potential Contribution: Use gradient boosting, random forests, or deep learning to predict hospitalization risk.
6. Alzheimer’s Disease Progression Prediction
Objective: Predict the progression of Alzheimer’s disease using imaging (e.g., MRI) or genetic data.
Potential Contribution: Train deep learning models (e.g., 3D CNNs) to predict cognitive decline.
7. Interpretation of Knee MRI
8. Your own project