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devops [2021/05/24 17:37] external edit
devops [2023/07/31 18:37] (current)
geanina.szekeres [What’s in it for you]
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 +====== Thales DevOps Summer School ======
 +===== General description =====
 +Level up your knowledge and dive into the world of DevOps with our concise summer school program. Discover what DevOps truly means and learn the best practices that will set you apart in the industry. ​
 +During 6 hands-on online sessions we will cover topics such as infrastructure deployment automation (infrastructure as code), configuration management (configuration as code), containerization and orchestration.
 +Our DevOps professionals will present some of their day-to-day activities to help you visualize a real project, revealing a glimpse into the secrets of the DevOps community.
 +Are you ready for a unique learning experience? :-)
 +===== What to expect =====
 +  * gain insights into Thales and our ground-breaking work;
 +  * immerse yourself in an engaging and practical curriculum;
 +  * acquire valuable technical skills for your future career;
 +  * stay up-to-date with the latest technologies in the field;
 +  * experience practical learning with a variety of tools;
 +  * unlock ideas to automate and improve any project or process;
 +  * connect with like-minded individuals and make new friends.
 +===== Location & Schedule =====
 +All activities will be done online using Microsoft Teams communication tool.
 +All participants will use a virtual machine prepared in advanced by the organizers.
 +Sessions will combine theory with practice, students will have the opportunity to build a complete DevOps environment by themselves.
 +==== Sessions overview ====
 +The courses will be organized three times a week according to the schedule below:
 +  * August 29 th , 2023, 17:​00-20:​00:​ Session 1 - Setup the environment + program overview + Git/Gitlab
 +  * August 30 th , 2023, 17:​00-20:​00:​ Session 2 - Python + Ansible
 +  * August 31 st , 2023, 17:​00-20:​00:​ Session 3 - Docker + Gitlab pipelines
 +  * September 5 th , 2023, 17:​00-20:​00:​ Session 4 - Kubernetes 1/2
 +  * September 6 th , 2023, 17:​00-20:​00:​ Session 5 - Kubernetes 2/2
 +  * September 7 th , 2023, 17:​00-20:​00:​ Session 6 – Helm + DevOps@Thales
 +===== Apply =====
 +If you’re excited about this opportunity,​ fill out this form ([[https://​forms.gle/​Jeexe567BhA3ySyz8|CLICK]]) by: 
 +<note warning>​**15 August 2023**</​note>​
 +Afterwards, we will send you a short assessment via email. Following the internal evaluation of all submissions,​ we will announce the selected participants and provide you with connection details via email.
 +Don’t miss out on this chance to broaden your horizons and enhance your CV!
 +**Join Thales DevOps Summer School and pave your way to a successful career in the IT industry.** 8-)
 +===== Prerequisites =====
 +Please make sure to have the following:
 +  * Personal laptop
 +  * Stable Internet connection
 +  * [[https://​www.oracle.com/​ro/​virtualization/​virtualbox|Oracle VirtualBox]] installed
 +  * [[https://​about.gitlab.com/​|Gitlab]] account
 +  * [[https://​hub.docker.com/​|DockerHub]] account
 +  * Access to [[https://​www.microsoft.com/​ro-ro/​microsoft-teams|Microsoft Teams]]
 +  * Minimum free space: 20 GB
 +===== Team =====
 +Experienced Thales DevOps Architects and Engineers from the Engineering Environment & Support Department.
 +  * **Bogdan Croitoru**, Engineering Support Department Manager
 +  * **Geanina Szekeres**, DevOps Head of Discipline
 +  * **Adrian Mazarache**,​ CloudOps Head of Discipline
 +  * **Stefan Mitoi**, ITOps Head of Discipline
 +  * **Mircea Vrabie**, DevOps Engineer
 +  * **Mircea Anton**, DevOps Engineer
 +  * **Eduard Draghici**, Thales HR responsible
 +All the other colleagues that will be involved will be added here.
devops.1621867068.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/05/24 18:01 (external edit)
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