Dataset (0.5p)

This assignment represents an opportunity for you to contribute to the research performed in our Computer Science department of the University Politehnica of Bucharest, by helping us collect a large dataset which will enable an interdisciplinary study on personality traits and movement. This requires you filling in approximately 5 personality questionnaires and walking multiple times in front of three cameras.

If you participate, you will receive 0.5p at this course.

Above is an example of a run. There are three cameras at different angles (0, 45 and 90 degrees) that capture walking patterns. It is required to perform the same walk, but with a few variations:

  1. Normal walking (Baseline) - 4 runs
  2. Different clothing - 2 runs
  3. Carry bag - 2 runs
  4. Slower walking speed - 2 runs
  5. Faster walking speed - 2 runs
  6. Walking while texting - 2 runs
  7. Walking while talking on the phone - 2 runs

The walking pattern will be extracted using pose estimation methods.

Acordare punctaj BONUS pentru DATASET Va multumim pentru implicarea voastra in colectarea setului de date. Acest formular trebuie completat doar de cei care au materiile care ofera punctaj BONUS. Au fost multe cazuri in care adresa de e-mail cu care a fost completat chestionarul de personalitate difera de cea de pe Doodle (sau cea comunicata responsabilului din EG 302).


1. Fill in questionnaire

Questionnaire form

This Google Form contains 5 questionnaires for self-reported psychometrics of various personality traits (Big Five, Self-Esteem, Assertiveness, Aggression, Anxiety etc).

  • Duration: approx. 30 minutes

2. Book time slot

Doodle form week 1 (1-5 November)

Doodle form week 2 (8-13 November)

Doodle form week 3 (15-19 November)

Doodle form week 4 (22-25 November)

After filling in the questionnaire use this Doodle to book a time slot to capture your walking patterns.

  • Duration: approx. 1 minute

3. Walk in a straight line

The camera setup is located in the FitBit Lab (EG 302).

  • Duration: approx. 10 minutes
  • Very important to not be late.

When the collecting process for the entire dataset is completed, all identifiable information will be removed. The dataset will be completely anonymised.

This study is approved by the UPB Ethics Review Board.

If any issues or problems please contact Adrian Cosma

apm/dataset.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/29 15:06 (external edit)
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