Lab 05 - PKI and TLS

Public Key Infrastructure

In cryptography, a PKI is an arrangement that binds public keys with respective identities of entities (like people and organizations). The binding is established through a process of registration and issuance of certificates at and by a certificate authority (CA).

PKI is a system for the creation, storage, and distribution of digital certificates which are used to verify that a particular public key belongs to a certain entity. The PKI creates digital certificates which map public keys to entities, securely stores these certificates in a central repository and revokes them if needed. The roles of root certificate, intermediate certificate and end-entity certificate as in the chain of trust can be seen in the picture below:

Chain of trust

Task 1: Investigate certficates for

Using your browser's 'View Certificate' functionality, try to find information about the certificate presented by We are interested in:

  • issuer
  • validity dates
  • subject (CN: Common Name)
  • public key

Export server and issuer certificates, or download them from here: certificates.tar. We will use openssl command line tool to investigate certificate files.

You can download a website certificate with this command:

true | openssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 > ocwcspubro.crt

You can connect to a HTTPS website using:

openssl s_client -showcerts -connect

  • Display whole certificate
$ openssl x509 -in ocwcspubro.crt -noout -text
$ openssl x509 -in TERENASSLCA3.crt -noout -text
  • Display certificate attributes
$ openssl x509 -in ocwcspubro.crt -noout -dates
$ openssl x509 -in ocwcspubro.crt -noout -issuer
$ openssl x509 -in ocwcspubro.crt -noout -subject
$ openssl x509 -in ocwcspubro.crt -noout -pubkey

In order to download the lasters version of TERENASSLCA3.crt, you need to check CA Issuers - URI field of ocw's certificate. If you download it, it might be in DER format (binary). You can convert it with the following command:

openssl x509 -inform der -in TERENASSLCA3.crt -out TERENASSLCA3pem.crt
  • Using the certificate of the issuer, we can verify server certificate
$ openssl verify -CAfile TERENASSLCA3.crt ocwcspubro.crt


The Transport Layer Security protocol aims primarily to provide privacy and data integrity between two communicating computer applications. When secured by TLS, connections between a client (e.g., a web browser) and a server (e.g., have one or more of the following properties:

  • The connection is private because symmetric cryptography is used to encrypt the data transmitted. The keys for this symmetric encryption are based on a shared secret negotiated at the start of the session.
  • The identity of the communicating parties can be authenticated using public-key cryptography and digital certificates.
  • The connection ensures integrity because each message transmitted includes a message integrity check using a message authentication code.

The TLS protocol comprises two layers: the TLS record protocol and the TLS handshake protocol. TLS handshake protocol (both RSA key exchange and Diffie-Hellman key exchange) can be seen in the pictures below:

  • ssl-rsa-handshake.jpeg
  • ssl-dh-handshake.jpeg

Task 2: Investigate the TLS cryptographic parameters

Use your browser to inspect the TLS version and cryptoparameters of popular websites:,, Report any differences.

  • Can you tell what is the root certificate, the intermediate certificate and the target/server certificate ?
  • How do you differentiate a root certificate from an intermediate certificate ?

Task 3: Investigate the TLS handshake protocol

Using Wireshark, investigate the two traffic captures (traffic-captures.tar). In both cases try to find:

  • How many ciphersuite does the client support?
  • What could be the purpose of Extension: server_name?
  • What were the negotiated algorithms?
  • What information is sent in cleartext? It is critical? How would a downgrade attack be performed?

The property that compromise of long-term keys does not compromise past session keys is called Forward Secrecy. DH key exchange has this property, while RSA key exchange does not.

ac/laboratoare/05.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/03 17:05 by marios.choudary
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