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seh [2020/03/27 13:25]
alexandru.gradinaru [Laboratoare]
seh [2022/03/04 22:35] (current)
alexandru.gradinaru [Punctaj]
Line 1: Line 1:
 +======= Sisteme de e-Sanatate =======
 +====== Contact ======
 +  * [[alex.gradinaru@cs.pub.ro | Alexandru Gradinaru]]
 +====== Punctaj ======
 +  * laborator - 4p
 +  * proiect - 3p
 +  * examen - 3p
 ====== Laboratoare ====== ====== Laboratoare ======
 +<​hidden>  ​
   * [[seh:​laboratoare:​01|]]   * [[seh:​laboratoare:​01|]]
   * [[seh:​laboratoare:​02|]]   * [[seh:​laboratoare:​02|]]
 ====== Resurse ====== ====== Resurse ======
 {{indexmenu>:​seh:​res}} {{indexmenu>:​seh:​res}}
seh.txt ยท Last modified: 2022/03/04 22:35 by alexandru.gradinaru
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