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sasc:res:tema1 [2017/03/08 12:31]
sasc:res:tema1 [2017/03/19 23:46] (current)
Line 256: Line 256:
 <note tip> This time you cannot (easily) do a brute-force on all the bytes of the last XOR. However, you may try to attack one S-box at a time. Think of the bits that affect one such S-box and find an efficient attack. <note tip> This time you cannot (easily) do a brute-force on all the bytes of the last XOR. However, you may try to attack one S-box at a time. Think of the bits that affect one such S-box and find an efficient attack.
 </​note>​ </​note>​
 +==== Bonus (4 pct) ====
 +Decode the following ciphertext:
 +knowing that the first bit for both 17 bits and 25 bits LFSRs is 1 and the first 6 bytes of plaintext of the encryption are:
 +Please download the skeleton from here: {{:​sasc:​res:​dvd_css.zip|}}
sasc/res/tema1.1488969088.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/03/08 12:31 by dan.dragan
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