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sasc:laboratoare:07 [2015/02/24 23:28] external edit
sasc:laboratoare:07 [2017/04/11 22:22] (current)
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-===== Laboratorul ​07=====+===== Lab 07 - Correlation Power Analysis ​=====
 +In this lab we'll implement a side-channel attack known as **Correlation Power Analysis**.
 +You can see some details for how to implement this in the lecture notes
 +The principle is quite simple:
 +  - Choose your target (generally the S-box output of some block cipher - in our case AES)
 +  - Obtain a large number (thousands) of leakage samples for that target, when processing different plaintexts
 +  - Choose a suitable leakage model (usually the hamming weight of the target value)
 +  - For each possible key candidate (e.g. all values from 0 to 255), compute [[http://​en.wikipedia.org/​wiki/​Pearson_product-moment_correlation_coefficient || Person'​s correlation coefficient]] between the leakage model estimate for that key candidate and the leakage traces.
 +  - Decide for the key that gives maximum correlation
 +We'll discuss more in detail at the lab.
 +In this lab we shall use Matlab or Octave (MATLAB is preferred for speed reasons):
 +[[http://​www.gnu.org/​software/​octave/​ | Octave main page]]
 +[[http://​wiki.octave.org/​Octave_for_Windows | Download link for Windows]]
 +You might also need these additional packages:
 +[[http://​sourceforge.net/​projects/​octave/​files/​Octave%20Windows%20binaries/​ | Link for additional packages]]
 +Use these files as starting point:
sasc/laboratoare/07.1424813329.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/02/21 19:15 (external edit)
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