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sasc:laboratoare:03 [2017/03/07 15:32] (current)
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-==== Exercise 1 (2p) ====+==== Exercise 1 (4p) ====
 In this exercise we'll try to break a Linear Congruential Generator, that may be used to generate "​poor"​ random numbers. In this exercise we'll try to break a Linear Congruential Generator, that may be used to generate "​poor"​ random numbers.
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 +==== Exercise 2 (3p) ====
-==== Exercise ​- LFSR (2p) ====+Let's use the experiment defined earlier as a pseudorandom generator ($\mathsf{PRG}$) as follows: 
 +  - Set a desired output length $n$ 
 +  - Obtain a random sequence $R$ of bits of length $n$ (e.g. using the Linear-congruential generator from Exercise 1) 
 +  - For each bit $r$ in the random sequence $R$ generated in the previous step, output a bit $b$ as follows: 
 +  * if the bit $r$ is $0$, then output a random bit $b \in \{0, 1\}$ 
 +  * if the bit $r$ is $1$, then output $1$ 
 +a. Implement the frequency (monobit) test from [[http://​csrc.nist.gov/​publications/​nistpubs/​800-22-rev1a/​SP800-22rev1a.pdf | NIST (see section 2.1)]] and check if a sequence generated by the above $\mathsf{PRG}$ (say $n=100$) seems random or not. 
 +b. Run the test on a random bitstring (e.g. a string such as R used by the above $\mathsf{PRG}$),​ and compare the result of the test. 
 +If the two results are different across many iterations, this test already gives you an attacker that breaks the $\mathsf{PRG}$. 
 +<note tip>You may use a function like this to generate a random bitstring</​note>​ 
 +<code python>​ 
 +import random 
 +def get_random_string(n):​ #generate random bit string 
 +  bstr = bin(random.getrandbits(n)).lstrip('​0b'​).zfill(n) 
 +  return bstr 
 +<note tip>​Also,​ in Python you may find the functions sqrt, fabs and erfc from the module math useful</​note>​ 
 +==== Exercise ​- LFSR (3p) ====
 In this exercise we'll build a simple Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR). LFSRs produce random bit strings with good statistical properties, but are very easy to predict. In this exercise we'll build a simple Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR). LFSRs produce random bit strings with good statistical properties, but are very easy to predict.
sasc/laboratoare/03.1488893366.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/03/07 15:29 by dan.dragan
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