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saisp:courses:05 [2014/03/15 22:43]
saisp:courses:05 [2017/02/23 16:55] (current)
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 ==== Curs 05 - Redundanță și load balancing ==== ==== Curs 05 - Redundanță și load balancing ====
-  * [[http://elf.cs.pub.ro/saisp/res/​cursuri/​curs-05.pdf | Slide-uri curs 05]]+  * [[http://repository.grid.pub.ro/cs/saisp/​cursuri/​curs-05.pdf | Slide-uri curs 05]]
   * **Cuvinte cheie**: cluster, load balancing, scale out, scale up, high availability,​ redundanță,​ Linux Virtual Server, IPVS, director, ipvsadm, real servers, LVS-NAT, LVS-DR, LVS-Tun, CIP, VIP, DIP, RIP, DRIP, CRM (Cluster Resource Manager), Heartbeat, Pacemaker, OpenAIS, DRBD, replicare, HSRP   * **Cuvinte cheie**: cluster, load balancing, scale out, scale up, high availability,​ redundanță,​ Linux Virtual Server, IPVS, director, ipvsadm, real servers, LVS-NAT, LVS-DR, LVS-Tun, CIP, VIP, DIP, RIP, DRIP, CRM (Cluster Resource Manager), Heartbeat, Pacemaker, OpenAIS, DRBD, replicare, HSRP
 <​html>​ <​html>​
-<iframe src="http://​docs.google.com/​viewer?​url=http://​elf.cs.pub.ro/saisp/res/​cursuri/​curs-05.pdf&​embedded=true"​ width="​600"​ height="​470" ​  ​style="​border:​ none;"></​iframe>​+<iframe src="https://​docs.google.com/​viewer?​url=http://​repository.grid.pub.ro/cs/saisp/​cursuri/​curs-05.pdf&​embedded=true"​ width="​600"​ height="​470" ​  ​style="​border:​ none;"></​iframe>​
 </​html>​ </​html>​
saisp/courses/05.1394916196.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/03/15 22:43 by mihai.carabas
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