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pc [2023/02/26 23:58]
pc [2024/02/28 11:16] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== Protocoale de Comunicație ====== ====== Protocoale de Comunicație ======
 ===== Echipă ===== ===== Echipă =====
Line 14: Line 15:
-==== Laborator ====+<​hidden>/​* ​==== Laborator ====
   * [[catalin.leordeanu@cs.pub.ro | Cătălin Leordeanu]]   * [[catalin.leordeanu@cs.pub.ro | Cătălin Leordeanu]]
Line 33: Line 34:
   * [[tudureanalex1@gmail.com| George Tudurean]]   * [[tudureanalex1@gmail.com| George Tudurean]]
   * [[mihnea.pascu12@gmail.com| Mihnea Pascu]]   * [[mihnea.pascu12@gmail.com| Mihnea Pascu]]
- +*/ 
-==== Colaboratori ====+/* ==== Colaboratori ====
   * [[irinan.ungureanu@gmail.com| Irina-Nicoleta Ungureanu]]   * [[irinan.ungureanu@gmail.com| Irina-Nicoleta Ungureanu]]
   * [[alinaelena.virtan@gmail.com| Alina-Elena Vîrtan]]   * [[alinaelena.virtan@gmail.com| Alina-Elena Vîrtan]]
-  * [[andrei.stanca94@gmail.com| Andrei Stanca]]+  * [[andrei.stanca94@gmail.com| Andrei Stanca]] ​*/
pc.1677448727.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/02/26 23:58 by radu.nichita
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