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Operating Systems (Practical)



    • Please use “self enrollment”.
    • Discussions will take place on the Moodle forums.
    • Slides and labs will also be linked on Moodle.
  • Important: The first lecture will take place Wednesday, October 5, 2016. The first lab will take place Wednesday, October 12, 2016
  • The mid-term quiz will take place Wednesday, November 9, 2016, at 18:00 in PRECIS 706.


Day Time Location Person
Wednesday 18-20 PRECIS 706 Laura Gheorghe
Day Time Location Person
Wednesday 20-22 PRECIS 706 Vlad Traista-Popescu / Ancuta Barzu
osp.1478270917.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/11/04 16:48 by laura.gheorghe
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