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osp:lectures:lecture-security [2016/10/05 12:07]
osp:lectures:lecture-security [2017/01/23 19:25] (current)
laura.ruse [Lecture]
Line 8: Line 8:
-  *{{:​osp:​lectures:​lecture-security.pdf | Lecture ​Slides}}+  *{{:​osp:​lectures:​lecture-security.pdf | Slides}} 
 +  *{{:​osp:​lectures:​8.security_notes.pdf | Notes}}
 {{url>​http://​ocw.cs.pub.ro/​courses/​_media/​osp/​lectures/​lecture-security.pdf}} {{url>​http://​ocw.cs.pub.ro/​courses/​_media/​osp/​lectures/​lecture-security.pdf}}
Line 76: Line 77:
-=== Bonus - Task 5 - Display System Trust Store (3p) === 
-Create an application and display the system (default) trust store using the TrustManager. 
osp/lectures/lecture-security.txt · Last modified: 2017/01/23 19:25 by laura.ruse
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