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osp:lectures:lecture-native-apps [2016/11/22 22:36]
vlad.traista [Practical]
osp:lectures:lecture-native-apps [2017/01/22 13:16] (current)
laura.ruse [Lecture]
Line 8: Line 8:
-  *{{:​osp:​lectures:​lecture-native-app.pdf | Lecture ​Slides}}+  *{{:​osp:​lectures:​lecture-native-app.pdf | Slides}} 
 +  *{{:​osp:​lectures:​7.native_activities_notes.pdf | Notes}}
 {{url>​http://​ocw.cs.pub.ro/​courses/​_media/​osp/​lectures/​lecture-native-app.pdf}} {{url>​http://​ocw.cs.pub.ro/​courses/​_media/​osp/​lectures/​lecture-native-app.pdf}}
Line 188: Line 189:
             event, num_events)             event, num_events)
 </​code>​ </​code>​
-Event should be a pointer towards ​an ASensorEvent structure if num_events is 1 or an ASensorEvent array, if num_events is more than 1. ASensorEventQueue_getEvents returns the number of events it read. The data read from the accelerometer will be in the accelerometer structure inside the event. Use this data to rotate the camera on the rx direction.+Event should be an ASensorEvent structure if num_events is 1 or an ASensorEvent array, if num_events is more than 1. ASensorEventQueue_getEvents returns the number of events it read. Pass to this function a reference to the event. The data read from the accelerometer will be in the accelerometer structure inside the event (hint: acceleration). Use this data to rotate the camera on the rx direction.
osp/lectures/lecture-native-apps.1479847015.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/11/22 22:36 by vlad.traista
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