Paper Evaluation

Criteria & Weight

  • The title is relevant for the article content: 3
  • The abstract presents the context and the contributions: 5
  • The introduction details the context: 10
  • The article presents some of the related work: 10
  • The article presents original contributions: 15
  • The article includes implementation details: 10
  • The article includes test results: 10
  • The conclusions outline the contributions: 6
  • The conclusions include future work: 2
  • The article contains references: 10
  • The refered sources are recent: 3
  • The subject is relevant to the domain: 5
  • The presentation and structure is logical in the paper progression: 3
  • Grammar, spelling, syntax and punctuation: 4
  • Clarity in writing: 4
  • Final grade: 100
osp/internal/paper-evaluation.txt ยท Last modified: 2015/09/26 12:42 (external edit)
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