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mpsit [2017/01/18 01:52]
jan.vaduva [News]
mpsit [2018/01/26 12:25] (current)
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 ====== Managementul Proiectelor si Serviciilor Software ======= ====== Managementul Proiectelor si Serviciilor Software =======
 +The new website will be [[:iot]]
 ===== Team ===== ===== Team =====
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 ===== Timetable ===== ===== Timetable =====
 ^ Activity ^ Day/​Time ​       ^ Room   ^ Person ​          ^ ^ Activity ^ Day/​Time ​       ^ Room   ^ Person ​          ^
-| Lecture ​ | Tuesday 4pm-6pm | PR103  | Alexandru Vaduva | +| Lecture ​ | Tuesday 4pm-6pm | PR103  | Alexandru Radovici, ​Alexandru Vaduva | 
-|   ​Lab ​   | Tuesday 6pm-8pm | PR606  | Alexandru ​Vaduva ​|+|   ​Lab ​   | Tuesday 6pm-8pm | PR606  | Alexandru ​Radovici, Ioana Culic | 
 +Grades are available [[https://​docs.google.com/​spreadsheets/​d/​1TZvpBdk2S3aMtA2A5Nf6rg5l1pYBePJfvO-pE0leO8o/​edit?​usp=sharing|here]] 
 +===== Examen ===== 
 +Saturday 27 January, 2018 
 +Room EG 306
 +Test 9 AM
 +Project Presentation 10 AM
 ===== News ===== ===== News =====
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   * **17th of January 2017**: The latest updates related to class activities are available here: {{https://​docs.google.com/​spreadsheets/​d/​1h--fI_uR8UczA6FpUzkO1Zi-TqevG_H9cEVFvDRk6no/​edit?​usp=sharing | MPSIT-2016}}. Take a look and please add your comments inline if mistakes are found. I will try to correct them as soon as possible.   * **17th of January 2017**: The latest updates related to class activities are available here: {{https://​docs.google.com/​spreadsheets/​d/​1h--fI_uR8UczA6FpUzkO1Zi-TqevG_H9cEVFvDRk6no/​edit?​usp=sharing | MPSIT-2016}}. Take a look and please add your comments inline if mistakes are found. I will try to correct them as soon as possible.
   * **18th of January 2017**: Please remember that in **05-February** from **11:00** we will take the final MPSIT exam. More info will come on this matter when available. Meanwhile keep an eye onto {{http://​cs.curs.pub.ro/​2016/​| cs.curs.pub.ro}} I will add you all to MPSIT class and will kindly ask you to give **feedback** related to this semester activities.   * **18th of January 2017**: Please remember that in **05-February** from **11:00** we will take the final MPSIT exam. More info will come on this matter when available. Meanwhile keep an eye onto {{http://​cs.curs.pub.ro/​2016/​| cs.curs.pub.ro}} I will add you all to MPSIT class and will kindly ask you to give **feedback** related to this semester activities.
 +  * **24th of January 2017**: Lectures and catalog information is also available here: {{http://​cs.curs.pub.ro/​2016/​| cs.curs.pub.ro}}
 +  * **07th of February 2017**: The latest updates related to final exam: {{https://​docs.google.com/​spreadsheets/​d/​1h--fI_uR8UczA6FpUzkO1Zi-TqevG_H9cEVFvDRk6no/​edit?​usp=sharing | MPSIT-2016}}. Take a look and please add your comments inline if mistakes are found. I will try to correct them as soon as possible.
 +  * **07th of February 2017**: For those of you who were not able to get a passing grade more details related to the available options will be published as soon as possible.
 +  * **23th of May 2017**: For those of you who were not able to get a passing grade, the dates for the exams are available: **29 May 2017** and **6 June 2017**. Here is also a link with the problem you can send by the exam day and also the exam example questions: {{https://​ocw.cs.pub.ro/​courses/​_media/​mpsit/​lectures/​mpsit_exam_info.pdf | Exam information}}. More information related to the time and the classroom for the examination will be provided by the university, by then good luck to you all, hope you will have a nice summer vacation!
 +  * **23th of May 2017**: Those of you that consider doing and presenting the project is their best option, have that possibility. Please make sure you have the **project documentation** with you and also that your project is marked into the spreadsheet as "​Yes":​ {{https://​docs.google.com/​spreadsheets/​d/​1h--fI_uR8UczA6FpUzkO1Zi-TqevG_H9cEVFvDRk6no/​edit?​usp=sharing | MPSIT-2016}}. For those that are not present in the spreadsheet or do not have "​Yes"​ under "​Project"​ field you can chose the project described in {{https://​ocw.cs.pub.ro/​courses/​_media/​mpsit/​lectures/​mpsit_exam_info.pdf | Exam information}} on slide 2. For any questions please email me. 
 +  * **28th of May 2017**: The exam details are the following: **29th of May** from **14:00** in **EC105** classroom and also on **06th of June** from **14:00** in **PR001** classroom.
 +  * **28th of August 2017**: The exam details for autumn are the following: **1st of September** from **08:00** in **EC102** classroom and also on **08th of September** from **17:00** in **EC102** classroom.
mpsit.1484697124.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/01/18 01:52 by jan.vaduva
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