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iotiasi [2017/06/25 20:48]
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 ===== Teaching Team =====  ===== Teaching Team ===== 
-  * [[iotiasi:​echipa:​alexandru_radovici|Alexandru Radovici]], PhD (IoT) +  * [[iotiasi:​echipa:​alexandru_radovici|Alexandru Radovici]], PhD  
-  * [[iotiasi:​echipa:​ioana_culic|Ioana Culic]] ​(IoT) +  * [[iotiasi:​echipa:​ioana_culic|Ioana Culic]] 
-  * [[iotiasi:​echipa:​avner_solomon|Avner Solomon]] (mobile) +  * [[iotiasi:​echipa:​razvan_serban|Razvan ​Serban]]
- +
-===== Organizers ===== +
-  * [[razvan.rughinis@cs.pub.ro|Razvan ​Rughinis]] +
-  * [[daniel.rosner@cs.pub.ro|Daniel Rosner]]+
 ===== Teaching materials===== ===== Teaching materials=====
-  * Video format of the courses 
   * Visual support through slides for the couses   * Visual support through slides for the couses
   * Teaching support for the laboratories with examples and exercises. ​   * Teaching support for the laboratories with examples and exercises. ​
iotiasi.1498412924.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/06/25 20:48 by alexandru.radovici
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