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ewis [2019/03/16 16:41] external edit
ewis [2023/03/01 16:29] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 +====== Enterprise Data Warehouse and Information Systems ======
 +===== Team =====
 +  * [[ciprian.truica@cs.pub.ro|Ciprian-Octavian Truică]]
 +  * [[alexandru.predescu@cs.pub.ro|Alexandru Predescu]]
 +===== Grading =====
 +==== Laboratory ====
 +^ Activity ​     ^ Points ​ ^
 +| Attendance | 10p |
 +| Laboratories | 10p |
 +| Presentation | 10p |
 +| Total | 30p |
ewis.1552747318.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/16 16:55 (external edit)
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