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dss:laboratoare:07 [2021/07/07 12:54]
razvan.nitu1305 [1. C function interface]
dss:laboratoare:07 [2021/07/19 10:08] (current)
razvan.nitu1305 [Vibe.d]
Line 194: Line 194:
 </​code>​ </​code>​
-==== Vibe.d ==== 
-The [[http://​vibed.org/​|vibe.d]] framework [[http://​vibed.org/​features|provides]] a toolkit for doing asynchronous I/O in a familiar and natural procedural style. It combines the intuitive and efficient programming style of synchronous I/O with the scalability of asynchronous I/O, making the development process sweet and simple. 
-=== Getting started with vibe.d === 
-The easiest way to get started is to use the DUB package manager and let it handle the downloading and building of vibe.d and derived applications. 
-To initialize the skeleton of a simple app, run the following command from your projects directory: 
-<code bash> 
-cd /​path/​to/​my/​projects 
-dub init <​project-name>​ -t vibe.d 
-This will create a new directory with the given name and creates the basic directory structure that is recommended for vibe.d projects. 
-Running it will start up an HTTP server on port 8080, serving a simple plain-text page. 
-Your hierarchy should look like this: 
-<code bash> 
-  dub.json 
-  public/ 
-  source/ 
-    app.d 
-  views/ 
-The default **app.d** file has the following content 
-<code d> 
-import vibe.vibe; 
-void main() 
-    auto settings = new HTTPServerSettings;​ 
-    settings.port = 8080; 
-    settings.bindAddresses = ["::​1",​ "​"​];​ 
-    listenHTTP(settings,​ &​hello);​ 
-    logInfo("​Please open http://​​8080/​ in your browser."​);​ 
-    runApplication();​ 
-void hello(HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse res) 
-    res.writeBody("​Hello,​ World!"​);​ 
-Once you have the project in place, simply run DUB from the project'​s root directory and it will get all dependencies,​ compile the application,​ and run it: 
-<code bash> 
-cd path/​to/​project 
-Performing "​debug"​ build using dmd for x86_64. 
-vibe-d 0.7.26: target for configuration "​libevent"​ is up to date. 
-vibedtest ~master: building configuration "​application"​... 
-To force a rebuild of up-to-date targets, run again with --force. 
-Running ./vibedtest 
-Listening for requests on http://::​1:​8080 
-Listening for requests on http://​​8080 
-Please open http://​​8080/​ in your browser. 
-As the next step, you can go ahead and edit the source/​app.d file. 
-For a simple web application,​ the **app.d** file could look similar to this one: 
-<code d> 
-import vibe.d; 
-void userInfo(HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse res) 
- auto username = req.params["​user"​];​ 
- render!("​userinfo.dt",​ username)(res);​ 
-void addUser(HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse res) 
- enforceHTTP("​user"​ in req.form, HTTPStatus.badRequest,​ "​Missing user field."​);​ 
- res.redirect("/​users/"​ ~ req.form["​user"​]);​ 
-shared static this() 
- auto router = new URLRouter; 
- router.get("/​users/:​user",​ &​userInfo);​ 
- router.post("/​adduser",​ &​addUser);​ 
- router.get("​*",​ serveStaticFiles("​./​public/"​));​ 
- listenHTTP(new HTTPServerSettings,​ router); 
-An example of the html template **userinfo.dt** file could look something like this. 
-Those files are called Diet templates. To get used to the syntax please read the [[http://​vibed.org/​templates/​diet|docs]]. 
-<code dt> 
-doctype html 
- head 
- title Example page 
- body 
- p Hello user '#​{username}'​ 
dss/laboratoare/07.1625651698.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2021/07/07 12:54 by razvan.nitu1305
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