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dss:laboratoare:02 [2019/06/18 14:48]
dss:laboratoare:02 [2019/06/20 10:40] (current)
razvan.nitu1305 [2. Generic Partitioning Search]
Line 683: Line 683:
 Template constraints have the same syntax as an if statement (without else). Template constraints have the same syntax as an if statement (without else).
 ===== Exercises ===== ===== Exercises =====
 +The exercises for ''​lab-02''​ are located in this [[https://​github.com/​RazvanN7/​D-Summer-School/​tree/​master/​lab-02|repo]].
 ==== 1. Enum disassembly ==== ==== 1. Enum disassembly ====
Line 697: Line 701:
   * The algorithm will receive an array/​associative array and an element and returns the number of elements that are lesser than the element in the array/​associative array list of keys.   * The algorithm will receive an array/​associative array and an element and returns the number of elements that are lesser than the element in the array/​associative array list of keys.
   * The element type may be struct, class or builtin type.   * The element type may be struct, class or builtin type.
-  * Struct and builtin types have default ordering comparison, however classes do not. 
   * Use templated function(s) and **template constraints** or **static if**s to implement the various cases.   * Use templated function(s) and **template constraints** or **static if**s to implement the various cases.
   * Use these [[https://​dlang.org/​phobos/​std_traits.html|helper traits]].   * Use these [[https://​dlang.org/​phobos/​std_traits.html|helper traits]].
Line 732: Line 735:
 ==== 6. Standard library template example ==== ==== 6. Standard library template example ====
-Follow this [[https://​github.com/​dlang/​phobos/​blob/​master/​std/​algorithm/​sorting.d#​L317|link]]. That is the official D language standard library implementation of the **isOrdered** function. Read the documentation and the unittests, then try to understand the implementation. This is how real life meta-programming looks like. Ask the [[http://​ocw.cs.pub.ro/​courses/​dss?&#​team|lab rats] about clarifications on any misunderstandings. ​+Follow this [[https://​github.com/​dlang/​phobos/​blob/​master/​std/​algorithm/​sorting.d#​L317|link]]. That is the official D language standard library implementation of the **ordered** function. Read the documentation and the unittests, then try to understand the implementation. This is how real life meta-programming looks like. Ask the [[http://​ocw.cs.pub.ro/​courses/​dss?&#​team|lab rats]] about clarifications on any misunderstandings. ​
dss/laboratoare/02.1560858533.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2019/06/18 14:48 by razvan.nitu1305
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