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dss:laboratoare:01 [2019/06/15 14:27]
razvan.nitu1305 [4. Majority Element]
dss:laboratoare:01 [2019/08/14 15:07] (current)
razvan.nitu1305 [Unittests]
Line 148: Line 148:
     int x = b[1];    // equivalent to `int x = 0;`     int x = b[1];    // equivalent to `int x = 0;`
     a[2] = 3;     a[2] = 3;
-    int y = b[2];    // equivalent to `int y = 3;`+    int y = b[1];    // equivalent to `int y = 3;`
 } }
 </​code>​ </​code>​
Line 418: Line 418:
 <code D> <code D>
 import std.algorithm : group; import std.algorithm : group;
-import std.range : chain, ​retro, front, retro;+import std.range : chain, ​dropOne, front, retro;
 [1, 2].chain([3,​ 4]).retro; // 4, 3, 2, 1 [1, 2].chain([3,​ 4]).retro; // 4, 3, 2, 1
-[1, 1, 2, 2, 2].group.dropOne.front;​ // (2, 3) +[1, 1, 2, 2, 2].group.dropOne.front;​ // (2, 3) 
 +front(dropOne(group([1,​ 1, 2, 2, 2]))); ​
 </​code>​ </​code>​
Line 521: Line 523:
 <code D> <code D>
-class Sum+struct ​Sum
 { {
     int add(int x, int y) { return x + y; }     int add(int x, int y) { return x + y; }
Line 527: Line 529:
     unittest     unittest
     {     {
-        Sum sum = new Sum;+        Sum sum;
         assert(sum.add(3,​4) == 7);         assert(sum.add(3,​4) == 7);
         assert(sum.add(-2,​0) == -2);         assert(sum.add(-2,​0) == -2);
Line 604: Line 606:
 ===== Exercises ===== ===== Exercises =====
 +The exercises for ''​lab-01''​ are located in this [[https://​github.com/​RazvanN7/​D-Summer-School/​tree/​master/​lab-01|repo]].
 ==== 1. C to D ==== ==== 1. C to D ====
Line 628: Line 632:
 Find the [[https://​leetcode.com/​problems/​majority-element/​|majority element]] in a string array using builtin associative arrays. Find the [[https://​leetcode.com/​problems/​majority-element/​|majority element]] in a string array using builtin associative arrays.
-**[Bonus]** Implement a version with **O(n)** time complexity and **O(1)** space complexity ​+**[Bonus]** Implement a version with **O(n)** time complexity and **O(1)** space complexity 
 +==== 5. Struct vs. Class ==== 
 +Navigate to the ''​5-struct-class''​ directory. You will find 2 files implementing the same program. One uses a **struct** as a data container, while the other uses a **class**. 
 +  - Compile both files and measure the run time of each program. How do you explain the differences?​ 
 +  - In both situations, print the value of the field **a0** after the loop ends. How do you explain the differences?​ 
 +==== 6. Voldemort types ==== 
 +Navigate to the ''​6-voldemort''​ directory. Inspect the source file **voldermort.d**. The declaration of **struct Result** is declared as **private** (nobody has access to it, except the members of the current file). Move the declaration of the **struct Result** inside the **fun** function. Compile the code. Does it compile? Why? Fix the issue. 
 +==== 7. Sanitization & Unittesting ==== 
 +Navigate to the ''​7 - BinarySearch''​ directory. Inspect the source file **binarySearch.d**. As the name implies, a binarySearch algorithm is implemented on integers. Compile and run the file. 
 +  - Write a unittest function that tests some corner cases. Are there any bugs in the algorithm implementation?​ If yes, fix them. 
 +  - The **binarySearch** function may be called with invalid data (for example: l = -1, r = -2). Write an **in** contract that halts the code execution in the case of invalid input (invalid values for **l** and **r**, the array is not sorted etc.) 
 +  - Rewrite the **binarySearch** algorithm to make use of slices.
dss/laboratoare/01.1560598079.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/06/15 14:27 by razvan.nitu1305
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