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Cursul 01 - Git/BitBucket, Nexus

1. Context DevOps

DevOps = Development & Operations Echipele de development coopereaza cu cele de suport sisteme si au de obicei motivatii, terminologii, tool-uri diferite. In timp ce echipele de development vor viteza si flexibilitate, cele de suport sistem vor sisteme stabile, standardizate. Conceptul DevOps urmareste sa gaseasca o punte comuna si un compromis intre cele doua directii printr-o cultura comuna, un set de principii de operare si set de “best practices” astfel incat fiecare parte implicata sa isi indeplineasca rolul cu un impact minim asupra celeilalte.

Metoda principala este un set de practici care sa automatizeze pasii operationali si sa asigurare configuratii standardizate: * Dev: standardizeaza si automatizeaza pasii de la development la testare, securizare si executie peste mai multe medii * Ops: automatizeaza configurarea si deploymentul infrastructurii, monitorizand peste mai multe domenii si permitand rezolvarea rapida a eventualelor probleme

=Practici DevOps= * Controlul versiunilor si strategii de branching * Pipeline-uri de CI/CD * Containere care standardizeaza si izoleaza mediile de executie * Scriptarea infrastructurii IaC * Monitorizarea pipeline-urilor si integritatii aplicatiilor

=CI/CD Pipeline= U

2. VControlul Versiunii codului The field of software engineering is a rapidly changing field. When it comes to software, there are no final versions. All applications and codes are always undergoing continuous development. One of the essential aspects of software engineering is version control. Version control systems are a special type of software development tool designed to help software developers keep track of any changes done on the source code of any specific application. Usually, any software project is handled by a team of programmers/ developers. Each of them working on a specific aspect of the overall project. These developers need to write and test code for their assigned tasks without affecting the product's working version. This is where version control comes to help. In addition to facilitating parallel development of any software project, when a mistake is made in the code, causing it to break, we can use version control to trace the mistake and go back to the latest working version of the code. As the software we build grows bigger, more complex, and more versatile, the knowledge of version control and how to use it efficiently is one of the essential skills that any software developer needs to obtain and develop. In this article, we will take a deep dive into the world of version control, what it means, why it is used, and how to get started with it.

2. Intro Versionare

3. Managementul Sursei : Git/BitBucket

4. Managementul Outputului: Nexus

5. Resurse utile

devops/cursuri/01.1626685596.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/07/19 12:06 by laura.stoilescu
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