Vision Summer School

Zero-to-Hero - Deep Learning for Computer Vision

Artificial Intelligence is becoming ubiquitous, and has recently been massively popularized to the layperson through general models such as DALL-E for image generation and ChatGPT for dialog comprehension. Undergraduate students are becoming eager to try out projects in this field, but lack the training required to understand the underlying mechanisms of these models, since proper AI courses are only really available during specialized masters programmes.

The goal of this summer school is to provide a structured introduction to deep learning for computer vision, providing students with a high-level overview of the field, the tools of the trade, and potential applications in academia and industry.



Teaching schedule
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
10 - 14 - - - - - Finals
17 - 19 - Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture -
19 - 22 - Lab Lab Lab Lab -


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