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pr:labs:10 [2018/11/13 11:48]
iulia.florea [4. ACL]
pr:labs:10 [2018/11/13 11:48] (current)
iulia.florea [5. Policy based routing]
Line 304: Line 304:
 ** 1. ** Configurati reteaua astfel incat traficul de la loopack-ul lui R1 catre loopack-ul lui R4 sa treaca prin R5 ** 1. ** Configurati reteaua astfel incat traficul de la loopack-ul lui R1 catre loopack-ul lui R4 sa treaca prin R5
 <​solution -hidden> <​solution -hidden>
 <​code>​ <​code>​
Line 318: Line 317:
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 </​solution>​ </​solution>​
pr/labs/10.1542102497.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/11/13 11:48 by iulia.florea
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