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pr:labs:07 [2019/11/11 13:08]
— (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== Laboratorul 07. BGP (1) ====== 
-===== Topologie ===== 
-===== Setup ===== 
-<note important>​ Descărcați configurațiile inițiale de {{:​pr:​labs:​bgp1_initial_configs.zip|aici}}</​note>​ 
-<note important>​ Descărcați fisierul de configurare de {{:​pr:​labs:​bgp1.net|aici}}</​note>​ 
-===== AS-uri ===== 
-  * **R1** - AS 200 
-  * **R2** - AS 300 
-  * **R3** - AS 100 
-  * **R4** - AS 100 
-  * **R5** - AS 100 
-===== Navigare ===== 
-**[[:​pr:​labs:​07|Laboratorul 7]]** 
-===== Exercitii ===== 
-===== Navigare ===== 
-**[[:​pr:​labs:​07|Laboratorul 7]]** 
pr/labs/07.1573470502.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/11/11 13:08 by octavian.grigorescu
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