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ndk [2014/05/03 16:54]
laura.gheorghe [Announcements]
ndk [2015/03/10 18:28] (current)
laura.gheorghe [Curriculum]
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 Please fill in the fourth [[https://​docs.google.com/​forms/​d/​1_d1-7Tyd5uiEVC54k5Rrtg7j1nZlYsdFE1mRVOhgUjM/​viewform|feedback form]] until 6th May 2014. Please fill in the fourth [[https://​docs.google.com/​forms/​d/​1_d1-7Tyd5uiEVC54k5Rrtg7j1nZlYsdFE1mRVOhgUjM/​viewform|feedback form]] until 6th May 2014.
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 ===== Timetable ===== ===== Timetable =====
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     * Description:​ OpenGL, OpenGL ES, accessing GPU features with NDK     * Description:​ OpenGL, OpenGL ES, accessing GPU features with NDK
     * Practical part: Create GPU-using apps     * Practical part: Create GPU-using apps
 +  - Native Activity
   - NDK vs. Renderscript   - NDK vs. Renderscript
     * Description:​ What is Renderscript,​ how does it compare to      * Description:​ What is Renderscript,​ how does it compare to 
     * Practical part: Create Renderscript apps, compare against NDK-based apps     * Practical part: Create Renderscript apps, compare against NDK-based apps
-  - NDK Portability+  - NDK Optimization and Portability
     * Description:​ Porting NDK apps across hardware platforms and Android versions     * Description:​ Porting NDK apps across hardware platforms and Android versions
     * Practical part: Run/port NDK apps on different platforms (x86, ARM LE/BE), native executables     * Practical part: Run/port NDK apps on different platforms (x86, ARM LE/BE), native executables
-  - Android Services 
-    * Description:​ Use cases and requirements for developing Android Services 
-    * Practical part: Develop native Android services 
 ===== Resources ===== ===== Resources =====
ndk.1399125256.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2014/05/03 16:54 by laura.gheorghe
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