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ndk [2014/02/25 19:38]
laura.gheorghe [Resources]
ndk [2015/03/10 18:28] (current)
laura.gheorghe [Curriculum]
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 The Android NDK class targets those who want to know more about Android internals, about the API available for developers and about creating fast and powerful apps using the Native Development Kit (NDK). The Android NDK class targets those who want to know more about Android internals, about the API available for developers and about creating fast and powerful apps using the Native Development Kit (NDK).
 +===== Announcements =====
 +Please fill in the first [[https://​docs.google.com/​forms/​d/​1t2gFlux5Ro0KJkDh_MVvKnwQX2ZbLLGCN-bDx2QkHOc/​viewform|feedback form]] until 10th March 2014.
 +Please fill in the second [[https://​docs.google.com/​forms/​d/​1lf_vVoUozMF3ldfjNCBYLJFb8yNfgpkauwrWy4yI7ic/​viewform|feedback form]] until 24th March 2014.
 +Please fill in the third [[https://​docs.google.com/​forms/​d/​1r4Kwkxi9xvU5Mr8g2xqjHy47CX8gY8pzrt_kNg8rKWw/​viewform|feedback form]] until 7th April 2014.
 +Please fill in the fourth [[https://​docs.google.com/​forms/​d/​1_d1-7Tyd5uiEVC54k5Rrtg7j1nZlYsdFE1mRVOhgUjM/​viewform|feedback form]] until 6th May 2014.
 +Please fill in the fifth [[https://​docs.google.com/​forms/​d/​1G87GGMQsEhBLeYqN8SebhvNc3n9ofrJDMbvByYCxWiQ/​viewform|feedback form]] until 20th May 2014.
 ===== Timetable ===== ===== Timetable =====
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     * Practical part: NDK Apps/​libraries called from Java or Java called from C/C++     * Practical part: NDK Apps/​libraries called from Java or Java called from C/C++
     * Semester project starts: select topic and start development     * Semester project starts: select topic and start development
-  - NDK Portability +  - Debugging ​and Profiling 
-    * Description:​ Porting NDK apps across hardware platforms ​and Android versions +    * Description:​ Debugging ​and profiling ​tools and techniques on NDK 
-    * Practical part: Run/port NDK apps on different platforms (x86, ARM LE/BE), native executables +    * Practical part: Debugging ​and profiling ​NDK apps
-  - Debugging +
-    * Description:​ Debugging tools and techniques on NDK +
-    * Practical part: Debugging NDK apps+
   - OpenGL on Android ​   - OpenGL on Android ​
     * Description:​ OpenGL, OpenGL ES, accessing GPU features with NDK     * Description:​ OpenGL, OpenGL ES, accessing GPU features with NDK
     * Practical part: Create GPU-using apps     * Practical part: Create GPU-using apps
 +  - Native Activity
   - NDK vs. Renderscript   - NDK vs. Renderscript
     * Description:​ What is Renderscript,​ how does it compare to      * Description:​ What is Renderscript,​ how does it compare to 
     * Practical part: Create Renderscript apps, compare against NDK-based apps     * Practical part: Create Renderscript apps, compare against NDK-based apps
-  - Profiling +  - NDK Optimization and Portability 
-    * Description: ​Profiling tools and techniques on NDK +    * Description: ​Porting ​NDK apps across hardware platforms ​and Android ​versions 
-    * Practical part: Profiling ​NDK apps +    * Practical part: Run/port NDK apps on different platforms (x86, ARM LE/​BE), ​native ​executables
-  - Android Services +
-    * Description:​ Use cases and requirements for developing ​Android ​Services +
-    * Practical part: Develop ​native ​Android services +
- +
 ===== Resources ===== ===== Resources =====
ndk.1393349912.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/02/25 19:38 by laura.gheorghe
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