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iocla:cursuri:curs-01 [2019/09/23 15:06]
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-====== Curs 01: Arhitectura sistemelor de calcul ====== 
-<iframe src="​https://​ctipub-my.sharepoint.com/​personal/​dragos_niculescu_upb_ro/​_layouts/​15/​Doc.aspx?​sourcedoc={65d83e56-07d7-4490-b3a5-a7b5b364aa50}&​amp;​action=embedview&​amp;​wdAr=1.3333333333333333"​ width="​722px"​ height="​565px"​ frameborder="​0">​This is an embedded <a target="​_blank"​ href="​https://​office.com">​Microsoft Office</​a>​ presentation,​ powered by <a target="​_blank"​ href="​https://​office.com/​webapps">​Office</​a>​.</​iframe>​ 
-Powerpoint online: [[https://​ctipub-my.sharepoint.com/:​p:/​g/​personal/​dragos_niculescu_upb_ro/​EVY-2GXXB5BEs6WntbNkqlAB9mVxt2sSgFsmoZiBd0tCsw?​e=2s15ti| Curs 01]] 
-  * Suport curs 
-    * Sivarama P. Dandamudi: Introduction to Assembly Language Programming 
-      * Chapter 1: Introduction 
-      * Chapter 2: fără 2.3, 2.4, 2.7 
-===== Demo-uri ===== 
-Demo-urile rulează pe Linux. Descărcăm arhiva folosind comanda<​code bash> 
-git clone https://​github.com/​iocla/​curs-01-demo.git 
-</​code>​ și apoi compilăm/​asamblăm<​code bash> 
-cd curs-01-demo;​ make 
-</​code>​ și executăm demo-urile confrom fișierului README <code bash> 
-cat README 
iocla/cursuri/curs-01.1569240375.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/09/23 15:06 by cristian.vijelie
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