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iocla:cursuri:capitol-11 [2021/10/19 13:02]
— (current)
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-====== Capitol 11: Curs ales de studenți ====== 
-  - floating point teorie (curs existent 2h)  
-  - floating point practică (curs existent 2h)  
-  - optimizări teorie (curs existent 2h) 
-  - optimizări practică (curs existent 1h, benchmarks, TSC) 
-  - [[https://​modexp.wordpress.com/​2018/​10/​30/​arm64-assembly/​| ARM assembly]] (lab existent) 
-  - x86 64biți - avem un lab mai vechi 
-  - [[https://​www.tutorialspoint.com/​webassembly/​index.htm| webassembly]] ​ 
-  - [[https://​danluu.com/​new-cpu-features/​ | whats'​new in CPU since the 80'​s]] ​ 
-  - recapitulare,​ doar răspuns la întrebări,​ demo-uri - pt titular? pt studenți? ​ 
-  - demo complet: numere mari (infinite) 
iocla/cursuri/capitol-11.1634637742.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/10/19 13:02 by dragos.niculescu
CC Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
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