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ep:labs:04:contents:tasks:ex1 [2023/10/29 21:06]
ep:labs:04:contents:tasks:ex1 [2023/10/29 21:08] (current)
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 The **jump target** represents an action to be taken. You are most likely familiar with the built-in actions such as //ACCEPT// or //DROP//. These actions decide the ultimate fate of the packet and are final (i.e.: rule iteration stops when these are invoked). However, there are also extended actions (see ''​man iptables-extensions(8)''​) that are not terminal verdicts and can be used for various tasks such as auditing, forced checksum recalculation or removal of Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) bits. The **jump target** represents an action to be taken. You are most likely familiar with the built-in actions such as //ACCEPT// or //DROP//. These actions decide the ultimate fate of the packet and are final (i.e.: rule iteration stops when these are invoked). However, there are also extended actions (see ''​man iptables-extensions(8)''​) that are not terminal verdicts and can be used for various tasks such as auditing, forced checksum recalculation or removal of Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) bits.
-The **match criteria** of every rule are checked to determine if the jump target is applied. The way this is designed is very elegant: every type of feature (e.g.: ​l3 IP address vs l4 port) that you can check has a match callback function defined in the kernel. If you want, you can write your own such function in a Linux Kernel Module (LKM) and thus extend the functionality of **iptables** ([[https://​inai.de/​documents/​Netfilter_Modules.pdf|Writing Netfilter Modules]] with code example). However, you will need to implement a userspace shared library counterpart. When you start an **iptables** process, it searches in ///​usr/​lib/​xtables/​ // and automatically loads certain shared libraries (note: this path can be overwritten or extended using the //​XTABLES_LIBDIR//​ environment variable). Each library there must do three things:+The **match criteria** of every rule are checked to determine if the jump target is applied. The way this is designed is very elegant: every type of feature (e.g.: ​Layer 3 IP address vs Layer 4 port) that you can check has a match callback function defined in the kernel. If you want, you can write your own such function in a Linux Kernel Module (LKM) and thus extend the functionality of **iptables** ([[https://​inai.de/​documents/​Netfilter_Modules.pdf|Writing Netfilter Modules]] with code example). However, you will need to implement a userspace shared library counterpart. When you start an **iptables** process, it searches in ///​usr/​lib/​xtables/​ // and automatically loads certain shared libraries (note: this path can be overwritten or extended using the //​XTABLES_LIBDIR//​ environment variable). Each library there must do three things:
   * define **iptables** flags for the new criteria that you want to include.   * define **iptables** flags for the new criteria that you want to include.
   * define help messages for when ''​**iptables** %%--%%help''​ is called (its help message is an amalgamation of each library'​s help snippet).   * define help messages for when ''​**iptables** %%--%%help''​ is called (its help message is an amalgamation of each library'​s help snippet).
ep/labs/04/contents/tasks/ex1.1698606404.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/10/29 21:06 by radu.mantu
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