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cn2:echipa [2021/10/10 19:46]
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-===== Echipă ===== 
-  * [[tudor.visan@stud.acs.upb.ro | Tudor Vișan]] 
-  * [[alin.georgescu2@yahoo.com | Alin Georgescu]] 
-  * [[bogdanjidovu98@gmail.com | Bogdan Jidovu]] 
-  * [[dan.tudose@cs.pub.ro | Dan Tudose]] 
-  * [[adina.smeu@gmail.com | Adina Smeu]] 
-  * [[apirlea@gmail.com | Alexandru Pirlea]] 
-  * [[badoiu.vlad@gmail.com | Vlad Bădoiu]] 
-  * [[cristina.buciu96@gmail.com | Cristina Buciu]] 
-  * [[dosarudaniel@gmail.com | Daniel-Florin Dosaru]] 
-  * [[george.m.grosu+cn2@gmail.com | George-Mircea Grosu]] 
-  * [[sciofu@gmail.com | Șerban Ciofu]] 
-  * [[sefandan.ciocirlan@gmail.com | Ștefan-Dan Ciocîrlan]] 
-  * [[theo@tica.ro | Theodora Dinca]] 
cn2/echipa.1633884389.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/10/10 19:46 by george_mircea.grosu
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