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smd [2023/02/28 15:23]
laura.ruse [Announcements]
smd [2023/03/20 11:05] (current)
laura.ruse [Announcements]
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   ***17.02.2023** The first lecture will take place on Monday, February 27th, at 8:00 AM in EC102. The first labs will take place in the second week, on Thursday, March 9th, at <​del>​8:​00 AM, 10:00 AM and</​del>​ 6:00 PM and 8:00 PM, in PR706.   ***17.02.2023** The first lecture will take place on Monday, February 27th, at 8:00 AM in EC102. The first labs will take place in the second week, on Thursday, March 9th, at <​del>​8:​00 AM, 10:00 AM and</​del>​ 6:00 PM and 8:00 PM, in PR706.
 +  ***20.03.2023** The SMD mid-term exam will take place on March 27th, from 8:30 AM, in EC102. Please bring your laptops and your IDs. This exam will cover the first 4 lectures and will include 20 multiple choice, single answer questions. The exam will last 20 minutes. The exam will be held on Moodle, so please check beforehand that you are able to authenticate. You can use the lecture recordings, the slides and recommended bibliography to learn for the exam. The exam is NOT open-book.
smd.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/03/20 11:05 by laura.ruse
CC Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
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