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Project ViCTOr

This project is created from scratch by Valentin-Ioan Vintilă (333CA).

For more info, check out his website.


If you are clumsy like me, you might have forgotten a few important events here and there. To combat this, I've decided to build a complete product that makes sure you never lose track of time! My system promises to make you a productivity guru!

Using a stunningly beautiful web application, you can customize your day/week/month by setting events. These events might be repeatable or just one-offs; they might take a fixed amount of time to complete or they might need to remain in the back of your head for the whole day (e.g. your aunt's birthday).

Finally, a dedicated device will remind you both visually and aurally of these tasks before they need to be ticked off. If you plan your day correctly, there is no way you miss anything!

General Description

For this complex system to work without revoking its upgradeability (meaning, in the future, one could expand the system to allow for multiple devices that remind you of upcoming events), there is a need for separation:

  • A central server, which should contain details about all the upcoming events. The server should also provide a way to create new events or to modify existing ones.
  • A device (perhaps, in the future, multiple devices) that will periodically ask the server for upcoming events.
pm/prj2024/ccontasel/valentin.vintila.1714907725.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/05/05 14:15 by valentin.vintila
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