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pm:prj2024:ccontasel:valentin.vintila [2024/05/10 03:39]
valentin.vintila [Hardware Description]
pm:prj2024:ccontasel:valentin.vintila [2024/05/10 03:42] (current)
valentin.vintila [General Description]
Line 46: Line 46:
   - **GPIO** - the GPIO pins are used to enable communication between the IoT device and the end user;   - **GPIO** - the GPIO pins are used to enable communication between the IoT device and the end user;
   - **Interrupts** - when pressing a button, an interrupt will occur;   - **Interrupts** - when pressing a button, an interrupt will occur;
 +  - **Timers** - to notify the user before a certain task is due, timers are needed; they are also used to communicate with the server;
   - **I2C** - the device'​s display is controlled via the I2C protocol;   - **I2C** - the device'​s display is controlled via the I2C protocol;
   - **ADC** - since you are eager to deduct points, I am required to make bad decisions regarding my project - in this case, the buttons will use fewer GPIO pins for no reason other than to use ADC.   - **ADC** - since you are eager to deduct points, I am required to make bad decisions regarding my project - in this case, the buttons will use fewer GPIO pins for no reason other than to use ADC.
pm/prj2024/ccontasel/valentin.vintila.1715301588.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/05/10 03:39 by valentin.vintila
CC Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
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