
  • Both the course and the lab will take place in EG306 between 17:00 - 20:00 on Tuesdays
  • Starting from week 5, between 20:00 - 21:00 on Tuesdays you can work on your project in the lab (EG306)


  • 40% final exam
  • 40% project
  • 10% activity during the lectures and labs
  • 10% assignment
  • 10% completing the feedback forms

Class activity

You have to be present at minimum 7 sessions out of 11. The first absence after the first four costs 0.5 points from the final score and every absence after that costs 1 point.

ndk/grading.txt ยท Last modified: 2014/03/22 11:36 by petre.eftime
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