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info2 [2019/03/11 20:22]
ioana_maria.culic [Echipa]
info2 [2021/03/01 11:42] (current)
ioana_maria.culic [Team]
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-====== ​Info 2 =====+====== ​Informatik ​2 =====
-Scopul cursului este de a învăța noțiuni de programare folosind mediul ​Arduino.+The purpose of the course is to learn programming concepts using the Arduino ​environment.
-===== Echipa ===== 
-Curs:  +===== Team =====
-  * Cristian Mustață +
-  * Ioana Culic (ioana at ipworkshop.ro)+
 +  * Alexandru Radovici 
 +  * Ioana Culic (ioana_maria.culic at upb.ro) 
   * Ioana Culic   * Ioana Culic
-  * Ovidiu Stoica ​+  * Alexandru Vochescu
-===== Orar ===== +===== Timetable ​===== 
-Curs Marti 14 - 16 JA 001+Course Tuesday ​14 - 16 MS Teams
-Laborator Marti 16 - 18 JA 001+Laboratory Tuesday ​16 - 18 MS Teams
-===== Notare ​===== +===== Grading ​===== 
-  * 10 laboratoare ​(**2p**) +  * 10 labs (**20p**) 
-  * proiect ​(**4p**) +  * project ​(**30p**) 
-  * examen ​(**4p**)+  * 2 course tests (**20p**
 +  * exam (**30p**) 
 +  * Bonus points for implementing a physical project (Arduino or Micro::bit)
-Total **10p**+Total **100p**
-  * **4.5** - notă minimă de trecere +  * **45p** - minimum passing grade 
-  * **1.5** - punctaj minim examen pentru trecere+  * **15p** - minimum tests + exam score for passing 
 +  * **8** labs required for taking the exam
info2.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/01 11:42 by ioana_maria.culic
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