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alf:teme:tema1 [2022/03/20 14:23]
diana.ghindaoanu [Règles]
alf:teme:tema1 [2023/03/16 18:24] (current)
alexandra.negoita02 [Mentions générales]
Line 4: Line 4:
 ===== Mentions générales ===== ===== Mentions générales =====
 <note important>​ <note important>​
-Date limite: **24 Mars, 23:55**\\+Date limite: **30 Mars, 23:55**\\
 Points: **1 point** de la note finale\\ Points: **1 point** de la note finale\\
 Rendre en retard: **0.5 points / jour** (maximum 4 jours)\\ Rendre en retard: **0.5 points / jour** (maximum 4 jours)\\
-Lien: [[https://​classroom.github.com/​a/​PY3vig1L|Télécharger ​Devoir 1]]+Lien: [[https://​classroom.github.com/​a/​VCqp692Z|Devoir 1]]
 </​note>​ </​note>​
alf/teme/tema1.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/16 18:24 by alexandra.negoita02
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